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Tuesday, 30 August 2011


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Limited run e-books!? Now there's a concept I don't quite get.

B Small,
Not limited run, limited time.


Mike--Poe-tay-toe, poe-tah-toe.

Mike, besides everything photography TOP never fails to bring smiles to my slowly creasing (if there's such a term) face. We are celebrating the end of Ramadan here. That special day is called Eidul Fitri.

Let's have greater peace everywhere and more smiling faces.

I'll second that, so from our lips to the ears of God, whatever name we choose to call Him....


You gotta love the freight charge on an e-book.

Yah, but you can get Kindle versions of the first two books for half what Alain wants anytime. Caveat emptor.

"Making available" has such an aura of noble grandeur to it. He's selling them for a price, is what he does. At a time when many a rock band is indeed making available -- aka giving away -- their new album for a limited time, I think a little more precision would be appreciated.


I thought morels thrived in the shade.

Fantastic, I have looked at that marketing book in the past and this promotion finally got me to buy it. I have enjoyed some other material written by him so expect this should be good too.

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