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Wednesday, 31 August 2011


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"But after you finish Stuffed Shark, Mike, I most highly recommend that you check out Charles Willeford's The Burnt Orange Heresy, a book which, to the extent it is known at all, is admired as a noir crime novel but deserves instead be recognized as brilliant commentary on the .

Is that a play on the "The Zebra-Striped Hearse" by Ross Macdonald , another noir crime / artworld novel ? You gotta love "Burke Damis"

Cal Amari sounds exactly like the Greek word for squid: calamari. Coincidence?

"Cal Amari sounds exactly like the Greek word for squid: calamari."

If only Calvin's mother had known that....


Inktresting. I wondered what that line was about!


The internet is doing wonders for interspecies collaboration. I salute the wise words of our Cephalopod friend. I also promise to reduce my intake of fried CalAmari in the future.

I was just about to Google "Cal Amari" when I pronounced the name in my head and suddenly realized that I would not be finding out about this mysterious denizen of the art world that way...

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