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Sunday, 28 August 2011


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What shipping method will you use?

Dear Jay,

As it says on the sales page, all prints are shipped via Priority Mail.

99% of the time, it's proven itself to be both speedy and reliable on both domestic and international shipments. It's why I feel comfortable self-insuring.

pax / Ctein

Wow... what a collection. I'm guessing the "Apollo/Soyuz" print will be the runaway bestseller, but the "Cinder Cone North Trail" just grabs me in a way the other images should be envious of. Heck, now I'm uncertain there are other images in the sale...

Maybe I'm just missing it in the post somewhere, but what printer/ink/media combination has Ctein chosen for this offering? Inkjet leaves a lot of options!

Dear MHMG,

Err, yer right.

Epson 3880 printer, Ultrachrome VM inkset, Ilford Galerie Gold Fibre Silk paper.

That info's now incorporated into the main article.

pax / Ctein

Small world: I walked up that Cinder Cone two weeks ago. It's in the midst of an area fascinating for varied volcanic geology, and quite eye-catching here with a layer of snow, too (absent in August). Excellent view of Lassen's east slope from the top.

Dear Rick,

I walked up it, too. My housemate, Paula, (former geologist and rock climber) convinced me to. Never again!

But I did get some great photos at the top. Here's one:


pax / ground-huggin' Ctein

My Swamp with Lilypads print just arrived. A gorgeous print. Many thanks to you and Ctein, Mike, for organising this.

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