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Wednesday, 20 July 2011


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I'm not familiar with Matt Weber's book, but it immediately reminded me of the only other book of New-York-cabbie-street photography I'm aware of. That's David Bradford's Drive-By Shootings. There's even a quote in that book where Bradford says, "The taxi is my prison." It's an interesting and dense little book that I've enjoyed for years.

His follow-up book, which I haven't seen, is Back Seat Book.

If there were ever a book that needed Amazon's "look inside" feature
to sell itself, this book is it. "Just sayin' " as they say...

Matt Weber is 100% the real deal when it comes to someone who lives and breathes the life of a street photographer. His photos are as authentic as he is, and yes, his catalog is deep and wide. Matt may be among the lesser-known now, but not forever. He also has a large quantity of vintage silver prints ready to go too, so keep that in mind. By the way, Matt did not pay me to say any of this, I'm his friend and sometime shooting buddy who always gets in the edge of his photos.

I purchased a copy as well. Had a quick look on his site and can't wait to see the book in person to really get a feel of not just the photos, but of this photographer's life in the city.


Of course it has to be sold out already. Or is that out of print? TOP effect in play or was it that way before Mike got on his mic about it?

Matt's work is great, I've been lucky enough to work with him on the Hamburger Eyes book and his work really shines there. He's the real deal and a gentleman too. Good to see his work getting the praise it deserves

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