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Tuesday, 28 June 2011


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Aww shucks, we love ya too!

Thanks Mike. We think you are pretty great, too.

I'm very very happy if I could become an active member of your discussions, but I'm spanish (from Spain, Europe) and I don't know write in your language (as you can see clearly). I read your blog every (yes, every)day of my life several years ago, and I like very much. Even I'm dreaming of fly to Waukesha and met you ¿in person?, and know your contry, "dreaming is free".
Cheers. Paco.
P.S. Sorry for my horrible english.

It's a lot better than my Spanish!

Glad to have you as a reader. Commenting is absolutely optional.


Well Mike, it's always nice to read your thoughts. If you ever come to Argentina let me know, i'd be happy to pay you back with any insight you find interesting!

Bring it on Mike. Yes I shoot digital too but am really hooked on B&W film. My development of B&W film is spot on but I'm poorly self taught in traditional print making and would love to know more.

Also add serious cooking to your list above. I love Italian food and decided to give it a go myself. The rewards are worth the effort.

Wouldn't dream of it Mike.

Mike - I second your kudos. I have posted here on occasion and the only fear I have ever had was a fear of seeming foolish. I don't have any concern that people here might levy personal attacks if they disagree with me - this blog feels like a very safe place for me to join in the exploration of ideas. Because of this atmosphere and because of the diverse backgrounds and opinions of your audience I have found joining discussions to help me grow and develop deeper understandings and flesh out some of my ideas.

So thank you Mike for your careful efforts in curating this collection, and thank you fellow TOP readers for being the sorts of people who can comprise this motley yet safe and challenging community.

As I sometimes tire of telling my clients on leadership courses, leading by example is the only way of ensuring quality participation;)

You get the audience you deserve.

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