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Thursday, 26 May 2011


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One addition: Olympus has two imaging/camera factories in China. One in Guangzhou, and one in Shenzhen. The latter one is certainly a camera factory, but I don't know about Guangzhou. Plus numerous other offices both in China and abroad.

I could see Olympus pulling out of the camera business or merging with someone larger. They never seem to be able to generate the excitement necessary for a runaway best selling product.
I'm not sure I'd call my E-pl2 sleek but it is well sorted and feels good in hand. It's a pleasure to use with the Panasonic 20mm 1.7 or OM legacy 50mm for portraits.

"I could see Olympus pulling out of the camera business or merging with someone larger."

Panasonic, like Minolta and Sony. Or Pentax and Hoya.

Given my love of Olympus cameras, I hope they don't become a glorious dead end--like Minolta did (the brand I cut my teeth on...)

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