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Thursday, 26 May 2011


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I order regularly from Amazon (well ..... now and again at least) and it works perfectly for me here in the wilds of Australia. I'll have a look at the Book Depository in future.
Whatever scratches your itch Mike ...

That, good sir, is a master stroke. Being stuck in the antipodes (that's Australia to you or me), I predominantly use the Depository for purchases owing to their free shipping. Your affiliate link will be etched in my mind (and on my shortcut bar).

I really wanted to like the Book Depository, who can say no to free shipping to Australia? But my copy of Stephen Shore's Uncommon Places was shipped to me in a soft bag, and had crushed corners when it arrived. You get what you pay for, I guess...

I'm sorry to hear that. Bad packaging is sometimes a problem with Amazon too.


Very cool! As I live in France it's where I order books in English. They've had good deals on photography books.

Can't wait to order there again to use your affiliation.

I was hoping you'd arrange that, Mike. My family buys all our books from Bookdepository. Be prepared for lots of throbbing teen fiction on your statistics!

Hi Mike

Hope this works for you. Here in Canada we have Amazon.ca, as well as our home-grown indigo.ca. I have my Wishlist at Amazon, but a copy and paste to the The Book Depository isn't too much work.

As a quick comparison, I wanted to order:

"Get Your Photography on the Web: The Fastest, Easiest Way to Show and Sell Your Work"

It's C$41.00 in a book store. C$26.00 (+ shipping unless you order a bit more) with Amazon.ca, and C$22.00 with your new friends, which includes shipping.

Looks good.


I'm in Ireland, and when I clicked on the link the page had a banner suggesting that I use their UK site:


Could you set up your affiliate deal to work with that as well?


Mike will this exclude Amazon outside the US in future?
The reason I ask is that I try to remember to use your link when buying non-book purchases from Amazon UK.

Poor Guyana; the Rodney Dangerfield of countries :) Guess I'll keep buying from Amazon.

Good move, Mike. I'm usually on your Amazon UK links (Amazon UK now have free delivery, regardless of price) but do use the BD for some things and have been pleased with service and prices.

When I first opened this post I thought it was the lyrics to a Beach Boys song :-)

Mike, I had to chuckle at your post "listing"
In "Palm Sunday" from the early '80s Kurt Vonnegut's wife (A known author photographer)had just purchased a new computer and built a database for Kurt of his Rolodex contacts. He was amazed at this new tool and the next few pages of the book was a laundry list of all the people he knew.

I'm a huge fan of Book Depository. Shipments to Canada are free. Prices are often better than Amazon, etc. I recently bought Eggleston's "For Now" from them. Arrived in fine shape. Too bad you couldn't have made something on that purchase, Mike. Price was much better than at Amazon, and I couldn't resist.

Don't drop the link to Amazon UK (if you were planning to)---I order from them more than occasionally.

I live in Mexico and mail gets here in about 10 days unless it's a package, then instead of coming directly to Cabo San lucas it would go to Guadalajare where customs would inspect it. If it's printed in China, I might never see it. So even though Amazon could be well intentioned the reality for ex-patriots living here can be a little challenging at times.

I wonder if you could work a deal with ABE Books, the consortium of used book dealers. I buy a ton through them every year. They are a great source for out-of-print and harder to find titles. Highly addictive.


I live in The Netherlands & have bought quite some books from TBD. I stopped doing that the second time a book failed to materialize. Free shipping means no track-and-trace, so it was impossible to find out what happened to my orders: nicked by the mailman, delivered (in my absence) to a greedy neighbour?
I got refunded correctly but it still is a nuisance.

TBD works here in South Africa.
I'll certainly use it to help TOP!

Here in New Zealand books are so expensive I'd stopped buying them regularly. Amazon's shipping costs are a killer here too. However, since I discovered The Book Depository I've started buying books again — its prices are usually comparable to Amazon's and the free shipping means they're substantially cheaper than from Amazon and roughly a third of the price I'd pay from a shop here.

I can vouch for the Book Depository often having the best online price when you factor in their free shipping - Amazon and others charge a lot for shipping to New Zealand where I live. The only caveat, as Bodhi mentioned above, is their choice to use padded plastic envelopes. I recently received a book with both bottom corners dented, whereas other books in the same order came in cardboard wraps (a la Amazon) and were in perfect condition.

"I'm in Ireland, and when I clicked on the link the page had a banner suggesting that I use their UK site. Could you set up your affiliate deal to work with that as well?"

I think it still works, but I'll check with them. Thanks.


"Mike will this exclude Amazon outside the US in future?"

No, not at all. All our affiliations with Amazon are still in place.



When I click on the link above it asks me if I am in the UK (which I am) and to click another link to the .co.uk part of their operation. Do you still get a cut if I do this?

Thank you!


"When I click on the link above it asks me if I am in the UK (which I am) and to click another link to the .co.uk part of their operation. Do you still get a cut if I do this?"

I'm going to check. I'll let you know.


I've been buying books from the Book Depository for about three years and their prices and service are excellent and most importantly shipping is free to Australia . Often I have ordered a book from them over the weekend and it has arrived here in Terrigal about 90kms north of Sydney by the Thursday which is service from both the UK and Aus postal services and the Book Depository .

One more thing - until the end of May the Bookdepository has 10% off on all purchases if you enter promotion code May11 at the checkout. Details on their website. Another reason not to delay buying anything in your wishlist.

Oh man, why not Denmark :( Makes no sense!

All of the above re Australia. I would add that their range is very extensive, I recommended them to a friend who is a neonatal pediatrician and he (I suspect trying to stump me) asked me to find a very expensive professional text book--which they had at about three quarters of the local price which was about $400.

China Mieville's latest, "Embassytown" arrived about 6 days after ordering, $24 for a hardback, local shops have it at $32 for a paperback.

The only drawback I find is the "watch people shopping" animation; it's mesmerising.

I have certainly added the TOP indexed bookmark.

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