My friend Peter Turnley is offering a $250 discount to any TOP reader who signs up for his upcoming workshop in New York City, making the cost a more manageable $1,300 as opposed to the standard $1,550. The workshop runs from May 29th to June 4th—you can see all the details at his workshop page. To get the discount, just tell Peter "Mike sent me" when you email him to register.
It's not evident from up there on the surface, but Peter has really been a big help to TOP behind the scenes. There are at least a dozen people and maybe as many as two dozen who do a lot to help TOP keep cruising along, and he's one of them.
If you're a Midwesterner and have never been to New York, a workshop would be the ideal way to see the city while giving your shooting chops some serious exercise, but I'd urge you to plan to at least visit some day whatever you do. I'm always surprised by how many people out here in the Midwest have never been to New York.
My "lottery daydream" would be to move TOP to Central Park West. Not going to happen in this lifetime, most likely, but of all the things I miss about the East Coast, regular visits to New York rank just below seeing my family more often. New York is the most fun, most interesting place in the world, and I don't care if I don't have enough data to make that claim, I'm making it anyway. An occasional visit to New York will really recharge your batteries.
Peter's off teaching a worshop in Seville, Spain, this week, with nine lucky students.
I'd rather be in Seville than here, I can tell you that. In the past two days we have had snow (twice, the first time accumulating to an inch on the back deck), rain that's about as cold as rain can be and still be rain (and that came in at a strong slant because of the high wind), sleet, and hail. To top it all off, this morning...frost. The weather has cleared today, but the headline on the local weather site today is "Sunshine, Briefly." Yeah, like they had to tell us that last part.
Just another lovely Wisconsin springtime. Maybe I should go to New York....
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Featured Comment by Juan Buhler: "I took the first workshop Peter gave, in Paris in 2003. Even though it was the first time he was doing it, it was a wonderful experience, and I think my photography gained a lot from it. I imagine his workshops are even better now—one of the best ways to spend that money if you care about street photography and like Peter's work."
Mike adds: Strong praise. My regular readers know that Juan, a computer graphics animator who has worked on big animated movies such as Shrek and Ratatouille, is a gifted photographer, one of my favorites.
Mike- Yes, NYC is a wonderful -for many reasons. However for a first time midwestern person visit, I would suggest first a trip to Chicago. Chicago -while smaller and not offering as many opportunites - is a fine starting place. Walkable,open with fine exhibits, buildings, and interesting people. Start small and then move on to the NY's,Paris and London's of our world.
Posted by: Richard Rodgers | Thursday, 21 April 2011 at 09:54 AM
I thought your lottery daydream was being Roy Stryker?
So apparently you're planning to be Roy Stryker in Central Park West!
Just reminding you that people actually listen to what you say :-)
Posted by: Bernard Scharp | Thursday, 21 April 2011 at 11:16 AM
I'm just off Central Park West and let me tell you Seville sounds pretty nice right about now. We may not have snow but the mercury seems to be stuck and unable to rise, as is the barometer. Today, finally it's not rainy and the sun has been out a lot, but it's windy and we haven't broken 60°F.
Posted by: Adam Isler | Thursday, 21 April 2011 at 02:06 PM
My wife and I wanted to get married in New York. We ended up getting hitched in Old York as it's 70 miles from us and saved me having to go down to the American embassy in London to persuade them to let me over.
I really needed to win the lottery when I was 17
Posted by: Sean | Thursday, 21 April 2011 at 02:19 PM
Just to make you feel a little bit better (or not!) it's raining heavyly in Seville. Plenty of procesiones won't be parading. It usually happens when the Holy Week is so late in the year.
Peter Turnley and his students will have to practice their skills on the wet.
Posted by: marc | Thursday, 21 April 2011 at 03:11 PM
I like NYC so much and love to photograph there, that I rented an apartment in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Posted by: David Lykes Keenan | Thursday, 21 April 2011 at 04:01 PM
The 10 are indeed lucky to be in Sevilla this week: Semana Santa followed by Feria!
Posted by: Ole Lundin | Thursday, 21 April 2011 at 04:21 PM
Most of my memories of Seville involve a bottle of caramel vodka and spending two days in bed recovering from it.
Posted by: Poagao | Thursday, 21 April 2011 at 09:55 PM
Personally, I despise New York. There's something about it that takes everything from me, and who I would like to be. But New York is wonderful for it.
And, as you've seen, I make my very best street photographs in New York despite how much the place just crushes me.
I would love to, but even $1300 is too rich for my blood. As is everything else in New York.
Posted by: James Liu | Friday, 22 April 2011 at 01:06 AM
Ah, I thought that looked like Mr Turnley a while back in Juan's photoblog ( ).
Posted by: Dave Stewart | Sunday, 24 April 2011 at 11:32 AM