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Thursday, 03 March 2011


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Thanks for posting this Mike. I like history and seeing people talk about living through those events adds more life to it for the future. I am glad she made it to 100.


I have no words, tears block my words, GB.

Wonderful interview, thanks, for posting, Mike.

Thanks for posting, very touching.

She's a true photo-fanatic, thanks for the link.

A very inspiring story of a woman who can put many of the defining events of the twentieth century into context. We are enriched by her contributions to our world.

Unfortunately I don't have Showtime.

Hurrah for Ruth. Even though people like Ruth speak their experience and make sense for most of us, the hatemongers continue to spew their vitriol in the face of fact.

Mike, thanks, It was a very moving video. She certainly makes all our contributions to the world seem small in light of the work she contributed.

i came across the documentary while flipping channels yesterday. WOW! an incredible woman, with incredible drive, as well as capturing with her camera some incredible photographic moments. i too had tears at some of the moments as the documentary showed her story. i urge everyone to watch it. a profile in courage, and some really nice moments about others' courage in supporting her.

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