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Friday, 18 March 2011


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Love that Contax G1. To this day there's nothing like it, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the X100.

Mike - have you tried RL deconvolution instead of an unsharp mask? It works wonders IMHO. You can try it and play with it for instance with Raw Therapee, which is free and open source software for Linux (perfect) and for Windows (tricky, needs replacement of a DLL or it'll crash).

Nice. It's amazing what one can do when one's mind gets out of the way.

A great reminder about what photography is really about.
However, I couldn't resist rising to the implied (well, actually inferred, but lets not point fingers) challenge so had a go at my own version.
Perhaps if readers also had a go with their own renditions from which Wayne could choose the best example and of course conditions of entry is that the winner is then obliged to work up the original scan file for Wayne to print from.

___not for publishing__: Mike, you can see and download the file from here: http://homepage.mac.com/adrian_malloch/Sally_Adrian_print.jpg

What a nice surprise.

I like the photo too. Time to take my doggie out for a walk. According to all that I've been reading about canine behavior, dogs do not like to be hugged. Hugging is something that primates do to show affection. Dogs prefer to be stroked under the chin, between the ears or a tummy rub. Lately, I've been watching how dogs react when they are hugged by humans. Typically, they get a blank expression and just seem to tolerate it.

A great example of how photography should be about subject and memories more than the quality of the image. Something that seems to be forgotten when you look at photo forums and the number of people in the equipment sections compared to the image sections.
I think we forget photos are primarily for ourselves (unless you're a Pro.), and with the instant internet access to the world's images it is easy to get disillusioned.
My own favourites wouldn't win prizes but mean more than those I might enter for a comp.

Thanks for a great site.

(Posted while watching cloud arrive to mess up the full-moon rise).

I have long upheld that no matter how the good the kit is or how skilled the photographer might be, happenstance (or serendipity) from unexpected quarters is often a major factor in making a good photo great.

Here we have a charming photo, a warm story and a flow of events resulting in a delight that is far greater than the sum of all the parts. Aren't we all blessed??


Thanks for all the kind comments. Thanks also for the sharpened image. I recently purchased Photoshop Elements 9 and the book by Kelby and Kloskowski. I will use the file as my first attempt at photo editing.

Wayne Pinney

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