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Wednesday, 23 March 2011


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Jim Brandenburg

Not suggesting a photographer, but maybe a path to look at:

So far, most of the print offers were of varying types: Dye transfer, inktjet, platinum, B&W silver, etc.

I don't know how many more types of print there are, but TOP print offers have (for me) been a great way to see some of the different ones, and get to know first-hand how they differ from each other (the platinum/inktjet combination was especially perfect for that).

Just my $0.02...

Here in Quebec, we are good in the entertainment business, Cirque du soleil, Celine Dion, bottle water, etc, but we are lagging a bit on the photographic side. One name though come to mind, Benoit Aquin. Just check out his pictures from China. http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1738165,00.html

Would Sam Abell or Bill Allard fit your requirements?

Take a look at Australian David Oliver http://www.davidoliver.com.au/ compelling landscapes and more.

Must - not - suggest - myself.
Suggestions - John Gossage, Steven Shore, Robert Adams, Alec Soth. Probably all fall into the "slumming" category.

Nice timing, I was just pondering possibilities for doing something different with the next print sale.

A while ago there was chatter of the possibility of a TOP photo contest. Is that still in the works at all?

How about combining the two and have a photo contest with the winning entries getting to be part of the next print sale? Perhaps with the actual printing to be done by a preselected master printer that you are comfortable can do the job?

The prestige and revenue from a TOP print sale would certainly be of interest to me anyway, theoretically that is :)

I suppose that suggestions will reflect the interests of those who comment - that should be interesting.

Mine would tend to cluster around music photographers from around the mid '60s to mid '70's. I haven't really checked their websites to see what they are charging per print (if available).

Baron Wolman - he was Rolling Stone magazine's first staff photographer.

Deborah Chesher - author of the book "Everybody I Shot Is Dead.'

Matt Kent - UK based photographer.

Michael Putland - also UK based.

Honorable mentions to Henry Diltz, Jim Marshall, and Ross Halfin and Mick Rock. (All of whom are probably beyond the price range that works.)

I'm certain you could make up a list of jazz photographers which would be interesting to read.

I don't have a specific photographer to recommend, but I would like to suggest a genre: portraits. A selection of, say, three portraits, each with a different approach/style by the same photographer would be very appealing. Especially if the subject is NOT a celebrity. I don't think there have been any portraits offered on T.O.P., have there?


Personally I'd love to see someone along the lines of Ben Quiton, David Gibson or Matt Stuart in a print sale for TOP. Perhaps even Scott Schuman of the Sartorialist fame.

What I am about to say doesn't really come from the names above, but it would also be nice to see a sale from someone new to this as a career. Seeing the money go towards an upstart and being able to root for that person for the next few years would be an interesting journey. Most of the photographers posted here aren't so much at the end of their careers, they are just at the pinnacle of it. It'd be nice to see a few people just starting up that steep slope in hopes of the sale pushing them up a bit quicker.

Two photographers come to mind. One, Steven N. Meyers, does art x-ray work and is on the web at http://www.xray-art.com/

The other was local, but I can't remember the name right or else they aren't on the web. And the store where I saw images isn't there any more. So unless I get lucky I'm not going to be able to even make the second suggestion.

(I don't know either of these people, and I have no idea if they'd be interested.)

My personal suggestion would be Alexandre Buisse, he has some rather awesome climbing and mountain pictures.
http://www.alexandrebuisse.org/galleries/landscapes/chopicalqui/ is a good example :)

He is quite active online (e.g. he did a photography class on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/photoclass ), and I am pretty sure he would use the money to shoot more pictures.

Would it be possible to post the name of the photographer selling his prints for $30? I'm curious about who's good enough to merit a print sale thought but still selling so cheap.

I'd like to recommend Lisa Kristine (www.lisakristine.com). She was featured in View Camera Magazine some months ago, and I've purchased a print from her website. Very beautiful color photographs of people and landscapes indigenous to exotic locales.

I suggest Dave Beckerman. His work is timeless black and white, excellently executed and importantly, in each image is a story, a question of some reason for one's eyes to linger. He's one of the most compelling black and white photographers out there.

Thanks for your time,
Bob Estremera

C'mon Mike! Surely you're going to tell us all the name of the photographer who's work you like, who sells prints for thirty bucks?

I vote for Dave Beckerman.


I think his broad range of B&W images (Film, Digital, Infrared) are worthy of any print sale you may have.


I don't suppose Bill Allard is a possibility (still waiting on your full review of his 5 decade retrospective). I wouldn't be exaggerating too much when I say that I have to hold that book a little way from my mouth in order to avoid the possibility of drooling on some of the photos (and I'm only up to Italy).

I would like to suggest that you take a look at the work of Michael Regnier. Here is a link to one of his images which has been a favorite of mine. In fact I own this one. http://regnierstudionews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/sunflower_storm1.jpg Michael has been a commercial photographer for over over 20 yrs with clients in the USA, Europe and Asia. For the last 10 yrs, he has been concentrating on shifting his business more to the selling of his art work. I think you might enjoy his work. And here is a link to his main website. http://www.regnierstudio.com/

My suggestion is Sean Bagshaw

I think the pricing is about right, good selection of images, professional, timely delivery of prints.

What's wrong with self promotion . . . especially for those of us who are not known and just starting out?

Ansel Adams... er, I mean, Uncle Earl :)


these are a couple of favorites of mine, and I would definitely buy prints if they are offered.

Jens Lasthein

Anders Petersen

You featured Dave Beckerman on T.O.P. a few years back and he was very well received.


I've known Dave for awhile now and he has used every film and camera known to man to try and explore his art. He also has a very interesting back story. He gave up a high paying job as a computer programmer to become a photographer. That took guts living in New York...Somehow he manages to pay his bills and exorbitant rent each month, but I think he spends far too much time at home in his lab trying to cook up ways to buy his cat some food. He's overdue for another trip to Paris which he hasn't done since the 90's. Finally, his prints do sell or he would've had to give up photography years ago...

Two whose work I've admired recently:
Evan Kafka
Ryan Schude

I'd suggest landscape photographer Michael Gordon, whose work can be seen at his website:


Michael is featured in this month's Rangefinder magazine, was recently on Fine Art Photography Weekly.

I've been following him for some time, and love his vision and execution. His prints are outstanding.

I'd love to see a sale of Cibachrome/Ilfochrome prints, as they haven't been represented here. Christopher Burkett's work is fabulous, and typically goes for something around $750-1500, more for his most popular work. Robert Glenn Ketchum's work is also gorgeous (can't remember just this moment who his Ilfochrome master printer is...) but I suspect it's priced a lot higher.

I, also, want to know who's selling prints for $30!

Uhh...How about Nick Brandt or Jeff Mermelstein?

How about Jerry Spagnoli, the contemporary New York based Daguerrotypist? (Just kidding, I'm betting the logistics of pulling something like that off would be impossible, considering, each one would have to be an original...) All the same, that would be very cool.

Taryn Simon is someone I that I have a lot of respect for both conceptually and photographically.

20x200.com is a place where you might look for fine art photographers who like the idea of affordable editions... They have a similar model. Some of the photographers who have sold their work in that venue that I particularly like are Raul Gutierrez, Amy Stein, and Stuart Klipper.

Or, how about some contemporary street photography? Nick Turpin, Cristobal Hara, or Gus Powell? Incidentally, Turpin's been publishing some interesting stuff.

Or how about some grandmasters of the Chicago Institute of Design? Kenneth Josephson? Barbara Crane? I've always felt that these Chicago photographers were a bit underrepresented in our understanding of photography in the 50s-70s, they get less airtime than their Eastern colleagues.

While we're on Chicago, how about Vivian Maier? Give John Maloof a call!

Someone you featured by during your PhotoTechniques days: the terrific artist and master printer, Kim Kirkpatrick.

I second (or fifth) Dave Beckerman.


My suggestions:

Clyde Butcher
Kirk Tuck
Mitch Dobrowner


David Carol - traditional rangefinder-style work, silver-gelatin prints w/ 11x14s for $600

Pete Turner?

"Roadsong 1967" is one of my favourites - seventh photo down on the right hand side of this page:


If anything the comments to this thread will serve to introduce us to a load of new photographers we've never seen before. I'm going to be following all the links posted so far and seeing what's what.

I admit this one's a bit selfish because I'm a huge fan but David Plowden comes to mind. I'll second the suggestion of Alec Soth as well. I'll throw Gregory Crewdson in the mix too but IIRC he only does limited editions that sell for 5 or 6 figures each.


Mike, How about Jock Sturges? My main interest is landscape and I know that you aren't all that fond of landscapes.

Justin, I sell prints on 8½x11 paper for $35, on 9½x13 for $60, or 13x18 for $100 and would love to sell a large enough quantity to see some black ink at the end of the year. I tried selling 8x10s for $150-200 back in silver print days and sold only one or two a year (that was in the years that I managed to sell any at all). The pricing part of the photo-economy is tough. If you price too low people don't take you seriously. If you price too high nobody buys. I'm still trying to figure out the 'sweet spot' for prices. I need to raise my prices but can't afford to lose what little market I do have. Yeah, I know... Quit complaining. It's still winter and we haven't had enough spring yet to cheer me up.

Who's selling prints for $30? I would. (Mike, I know you're not gonna let this one through moderation, but I gots to try...)

Yeah, yeah, everybody likes a little *ss, but nobody likes a smart*ss.


What about an offering from a dead photographer? I would love to have a print of the Ansel Adams Colorama of the field of yellow flowers from that color volume I bought last year. What about Vivian Maier as an offering? The photo of the twisted up street derelict was a stunner. Were any photos taken by "Uncle Bob" worthy of prints for the buying public? They are historically interesting in comparison to Ansel Adams work of the same period. There is a lot of good images that only get seen in books so prints might be a way of raising the dead.


Thanks for this Mike. I have just discovered a large number of photographers I was not familiar with. Productivity at work today is likely to be low.

I'd like to nominate G. Dan Mitchell. Dan is not only an outstanding and talented photographer, he is generous with his knowledge and advice to newbies in the field. I'm not sure how he'd feel about me calling him a mentor, but there it is. Like Charlie Cramer, he's a mensch of the first order, generous, encouraging, and gentle with his critiques.

He's a thoughtful writer, taking on the ethical dilemmas of landscape photography with honesty.

Dan's work translates especially well to prints; He learned from Charlie Cramer, and I am proud to have one of his images hanging on my wall in my tiny room here in Yosemite.

He brings a fresh perspective to landscape and urban photography, and his night shots are damn near magical.

Visit his blog here: http://www.gdanmitchell.com/

Visit his FaceBook page here:

Follow him on Twitter as @gdanmitchell

See his Flickr stream here:

My...recommendation is Saul Leiter upon whose beautiful colour photos I recently stumbled.


I'd like to second Kirk Tuck.

cheers Rob

Craig Semetko, one of the few remaining classic Leica street photographers.

I would go for Daniel Kramer (Dylan), Herb Snitzer (Jazz) and Clyde Butcher (Swamps).

(Another) vote here for Gus Powell.

Kirk Tuck (portraits) or Bruce Percy (primarily landscapes).


By the way, for those interested in his work, according to his blog, Mr. Percy is planning to have a book of his images in the near future. I for one am looking forward to buying one.

what about www.sumnerwellshatch.com

or maybe you could see if someone well known has prints THEY hate that everyone else would love

OK, thought about it some more. How about a couple of Jim Galli portraits?

For those who are unfamiliar with his work, look here: http://tonopahpictures.0catch.com/

Possibly the least pretentious and most fun photography website you will come across. He hasn't posted much recently though, so I don't know what he is up to or whether he would be interested.


A few suggestions:
Jesse Marlow
Dave Beckerman
Christophe Agou

Mark, You can get folios of Mitch Dobrowner photos through Lenswork, $125 for 10 prints.

What about your own work, Mike?

Your old friend who you wrote about recently ... the photo taken when flying in a stunt plane

Mike, Perhaps you could work something out to offer some "Uncle Earl" prints.

(Sorry, I just had to suggest it)

Any hope of a Mike Johnston sale?

Chad Kleitsch
Marcus Doyle

Two thumbs down for McCurry. To be a poor teacher makes Steve unworthy for a print sale at TOP. We're here to learn and share.

How about John Wimberley ? ( http://johnwimberleyphotography.com/ ) he is very fine photographer, I admire his work greatly. Recently he has hit some financial hard times , his wife, Teri is dying of cancer. There are some pretty big names in photography helping him out with a benefit print sale, John Sexton, Charles Cramer among many others have donated prints, it would be great to help out a fellow artist such as John in this difficult time of his life. It would be great to reach out through the internet and give John a hand up, maybe something can be figured out on TOP here, even if its a little publicity. There is an ebay store where these prints can be viewed. The bay store is: http://stores.ebay.com/wimberleybenefitsale , Thanks for reading.

Ray McSavaney

Merg Ross (http://mergross.com/index.htm)

John Blakemore, english black and white photographer/printer whose printing quality I have always aspired to, and being english, he would never admit to thinking that TOP would be 'slumming it'.

I'm with Adrian and John. I'm still waiting for an opportunity to buy a print of the picture on the cover of 'The Empirical Photographer'.

Of the photographers I have learned about through TOP my favorite by far is Vanessa Winship. Any chance you could get her?

Elsa Dorfman. (A joke I hope other photographers will get, but it would be very cool if it were possible.)



Whoa. Does he work for PIXAR?

Let me nominate three westerners whose names I have not yet seen in this list:

Bruce Barnbaum: www.barnbaum.com
Probably best known for silver gelatin monochrome prints of the American west and southwest, Bruce is an excellent and active workshop teacher whose recently revised book "The Art of Photography: An Approach to Personal Expression" (Rocky Nook) has received excellent reviews. He is a frequent contributor to "Photo Technique" magazine.

Vern Clevenger: www.vernclevenger.com
Now based in Mammoth in the eastern Sierra, in his younger years Vern was a very active and well-known Sierra climber. A friend and occasional climbing partner of the late Galen Rowell, it's clear that the palpable sense of the beauty and grandeur in Vern's color imagery comes from a deep affection for the places he photographs. He teaches several workshops in the eastern Sierra each year.

Tom Mallonee: www.tommallonee.com
Tom makes absolutely wonderful carbon pigment inkjet prints on rag paper, a process that is probably the epitome of archival photography. His photographic work ranges from poignant to witty, but is always, somehow, revelatory. He taught workshops on his printing process through the Ansel Adams Gallery for several years; beginning last year he teaches them through his own Owens Valley Imaging.

All three of these guys are top-notch human beings, in my experience. I've learned from each of them, both in workshop encounters and just from really looking at their work. I have no idea if any of them are interested in doing a TOP print sale, but it would be great for TOP readers if they were.

Mark Gunion

Dario Mitidieri (www.mitidieri.com)or maybe James Ravilious?

I completely understand your response to the David Beckerman blog post (although his response also strikes me as completely reasonable and, for the avoidance of doubt, not an attempt to circumvent any rules). But I would note that I did not read the relevant post on his blog (I stopped following him regularly) and thought of suggesting him independently, then read the comments here and saw that others had already suggested him. I wouldn't be surprised if others who suggested him also did so without seeing his post (although we are likely in the minority). In any event, (a) I never got the feeling that this was a contest to be won by getting the most number of votes in the comments, but rather an opportunity to gather suggestions, and (b) his supporters should not be discounted - their support is genuine and heartfelt (i.e., it isn't like Dave let loose a horde of zombies to mindlessly recommend his work).


I'm happy to see several readers mention Dave Beckerman, and I second that emotion.

Although he's taken pictures just about everywhere and of everything, Dave's specialty is in two areas that I especially favor: New York City and black & white (or, I should say, NYC in B&W.)

In that category, he has plenty of top-flight images, as even a cursory look at his online store will show.

Also, I'd really like to see Dave get a wider exposure. He really deserves it, as he freely gives away just about everything he knows about photography, and he's been doing that for years -- his photo blog predates the invention of the word "blog," - I think he just called it an online journal in the early days. Anyway, I've always been inspired by Dave's work, and I know others who haven't seen it yet will feel the same way.

I'd definitely be interested in buying a traditional print of a Beckerman image from your site.

Juan Buhler ?


I would not rule out Steve McCurry based on a bad review of a workshop. It's a print sale not a workshop sale and his portraits are worthy of a print sale even if his teaching leaves something to be desired.

John Wimberly would be a good choice IMO which may not count much since I have yet to buy any of the prints offered. I was sorely tempted by the Charles Cramer sale but alas I didn't have the funds.

I love B/W contact prints and enlargements from LF negs, so perhaps you may want to consider someone like Alan Ross who makes exquisite silver prints, though he does offer small digital prints on his site.


How about a digital B/W piezography print, and if you took this route I think Tyler Boley would be the best person to initially contact, but if he isn’t interested himself, he should be able to put you in contact with someone who might be.


Ah. For the first time since I began blogging in 1999 I actually asked my readers to do something in the vein of self promotion and obviously they came through. I am happy about that.

Of course I also put my foot in my mouth - something I do regularly but I have to plead ignorance as to what is proper in this and many other areas.

But without suggesting myself - I would simply vote for someone that is alive, and could use the boost rather than a dead established photographer unless they have children who have suffered for years because of the struggles of an artistic parent or in the worst case scenario - where both parents were photographers.

So I offer up a link to the Photographers Retirement Home in monochrome New Jersey where you can begin this investigation.

And with that mission to keep you busy,

Best regards,


p.s. I will tell my fans not to promote me for this any longer and to put my name in a hat for mayor of New York, an office which I have been hankering after for years and now see that I may have the following to get.

p.s.s. If this comment is too long, and is also inappropriate - then zap it as well.

For a different direction, how about finding a good print-maker and see if you can print some images from some "celebrity" photographers?

I was thinking about Jeff Bridges featured earlier. Of course, you have the hard part of finding the celebrities. 8^)

I like the ideas of the opportunity for hands on access to prints made via different processes, so I second the vote for something on ilfochrome. Also in that vein another example of platinum would be lovely.

I am conflicted on these as I expect an ink jet offering to come in at a price level I could more likely afford.

What about Jeff Ladd (a.k.a. Mr. Whiskets from 5B4)? I bought a black-and-white print from him a couple of years ago. Really nice. And I'm sure he could use the cash to fund his various ventures.

I'd like to thank Edie Howe for tossing my hat (er, photographs, er, camera, or something...) into the ring - I'm flattered!

Reading Gary Nylander's post about John Wimberley, it sounds like he might be an excellent choice for multiple reasons.

Take care,


Dear Mike

I like CHARLES PETERSON's book "Screamin Life: A Chronicle of the Seattle Music Scene" (Harpercollins, 1995) a lot. I think his best shots are really great. As a fan of most of the bands he portrayed and his expressionistic style, I've been dreaming of owning a print of some of his "rock and roll" pictures for years.

Please take his work into consideration. Hopefully he fits your profile. (His webpage: www.charlespeterson.net)

Best regards

I was going to suggest Dave Beckerman but now realize that he doesn't need any further promotion on this subject. For something completely different (in terms of subject matter, I'll suggest Lynne Pomerantz. She is an equine photographer, based in the Southwest, that has done some stunning B&W work. A few years back I bought a rather large B&W print that she had done(not because of any interest in horses)because I could not shake the image from my mind after seeing it. I walk past it every day and still stop to look at it.


I'd second Jim Bullard's suggestion for Jock Sturges - but that might be shooting rather high ...
However, it would be a nice opportunity to offer two quite different prints from the same artist: one from the B&W work that made him famous and one of his more recent color images.

My friend, Doug Schwab.


One more nomination; Michael Frye.

Richard Snodgrass, something from his When There Was Steel series would be great.

Mike, I'm coming up with a blank on the name, but you featured the work of a black-and-white photographer working on chasing storms who had the most amazing pictures of clouds and storms I've ever seen. I can't find him looking through the "random excellence" posts, though, nor the "photographers, current" posts. I'm sure I'm not imagining it, though...

I like the idea of Nick Brandt or Jeff Mermelstein someone suggested earlier. I suspect Brandt is a little too hot right now to have the time for an affordable offer, though. Mermelstein taught the first intro to photography and darkroom course I ever took, so I have a sentimental interest. And I love his street photography.

But the photographer I'd really like to see most in a TOP print offer is Pentti Sammallahti. For some reason his quirky, humorous, small-scale pictures just grab me.

Another suggestion: Talk to Brooks Jensen and see if any of the photographers featured in Lens Work over the last few years might be interested.

Andreas Manessinger: http://manessinger.com/

Mark Hobson: http://landscapist.squarespace.com/

Both are good photographers and both make a worthwhile contribution to the photo blog-o-sphere.

Evangelo Costadimas, a great street photographer www.photomonomania.com/photoblog/project_photo_du_jour/ www.costadimas.com/

Francois Le Diascorn

French Photographer with a lot of American work too. Recently published his first full length book. Well established, but perhaps not too big to see this as a great opportunity.


Mitch Dobrowner. Please.

Mike, Please look up Sohrab Hura's gallery in Lightstalkers, especially "Benaras":

I have one of his prints hanging on my wall.

Too bad Bernard Languillier seems to have gotten sidetracked on his website -- www.light-of-earths.com (yes, plural) -- and doesn't ship outside of Japan. Maybe you could convince him to do a Quake relief thing or send a box of prints to be shipped out from the US.

Mike, You never did say who the $30/print photographer was. I'm sure that he or she would appreciate your endorsement and it wouldn't necessarily cut into your next print sale. Like Jason, I'm curious.

Someone from Asia - Raghu Rai, for example

A little late in commenting on this one but take a look at Rosie Hardy's work;
I've followed her growing up through school and now into a photographic career. She very much wears her heart on her Flickr-sleeve.
It was the comments I've just read on this photo;
http://www.flickr.com/photos/rosie_hardy/3061764656/ about modern art that made me think about suggesting her.
Her 365 is interesting and she has definite potential.

all the best

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