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Monday, 14 February 2011


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..."to sit on a grassy knoll in the shade of a tree in the summertime, thinking."

You forgot the part about smelling the flowers. Reminds me of a book my Grandmother read to me many, many years ago. Perhaps you've read it as well, or better yet, had it read to you..."The Story of Ferdinand".

Sometimes we don't do enough of that.


Well I am a faithful repeat wisher, does that count? :) If I only had the money I'd buy a print in a flash (in fact, if paypal fixes my account before the sale finishes I may forego milk for the babies and get the print anyway).

I can see this one is destined to do very well though and will undoubtedly make a lot people happy. Maybe next time.

Any comments on the movie "The Woodmans?"

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