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Tuesday, 08 February 2011


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Never heard of? Seems fairly mainstream to me. Clearly my tastes are unusual.


Ah, right up my street. :)

So Kim was an 'HFSer? I have a dim recollection of that name, but there were so many mighty DJ's on that station. Though calling Weasel "giant" would be stretching it.

Yep. Graveyard shift, new music. "If 100 people have heard of them then they don't need me" kind of thing. Ten, fifteen years after he went off the air we would be talking in public and some guy would stop short, stare at Kim listening to his voice, and exclaim, "Omif---in'god you're KIM!"


Kia ora.

Snaper! Them thars from my neck of the woods. Time to do some rummaging. & I’m hoping to see the Melvins soon too, which are from your neck of the woods (continentally speaking).

I am Rabbit and me likee the mix.

Year of the Rabbit traditionally calls for hip-hop.

Thanks Mike, there's a few tunes that really appeal to me on that playlist. Now I'll be spending my photography money on more music!

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