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Monday, 25 October 2010


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Even though it is cheap for me it would depend on the speed of the auto focus; because if the camera won't do what you want it to then you've wasted $70.

I say this because I took one of its cousins Lumix FS7 out for a lunch time wander last week, the AF took 1 - 2 seconds to 'focus'. It went through its whole range of focus: macro to infinity and back again, and after all that many of the shots were out of focus.
I didn't give it an easy time, I was walking and snapping as I went, but I've taken Ixus 75 and 95s out and used them in the same way and they did focus.

(I don't own any of these cameras, we use them for work.)

We are approaching disposable camera territory! It's kind of sickening, but that's just me.

Note: FYI..."Amazon" says this camera Lumix F2 has Optical Stabilization... NOT......Per Panasonic web site..http://panasonic.net/avc/lumix/compact/f3_f2/specifications.html...it does NOT have it.... only the Lumix F3 has that feature.

Mike, thank you! I had a quandary. What to get for my daughter's 14th birthday. Your post here answered it. I think she will be very happy that I read your blog! :)

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