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Friday, 08 October 2010


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"retrato pintado" means "painted picture" ... in Spanish .... I didn't know and I suspect many other people don't either ....

... just trying to be helpful rather than obfuscating ...

That's better. The Martin Parr we all know and love.

""retrato pintado" means "painted picture" ... in Spanish .... I didn't know and I suspect many other people don't either ...."

I was assuming people would have read the article at the link, which explains it. Not trying to be obscure. (Well, not on purpose.)


"retrato pintado" means "painted picture" ... in Spanish .... I didn't know and I suspect many other people don't either ....

Not exactly... "retrato pintado" means "painted portrait". In popular talk "retrato" means any picture in which someone appears, not exactly a formal portrait.

I'm a Spaniard, by the way.

Parr's Autoportraits is a wonderful little book that still makes me laugh out loud; I come from a culture which would consider most of its pictures to be sophisticated studio photography. (That makes it tricky for me to show pictures of people to any of my relatives.)

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