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Wednesday, 22 September 2010


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Thank You

I like a new camera as much as the next person but it was all getting too much.

The photos are wonderful



This is the kind of "macro" photography I'm into, couldn't care less about critters and bugs.


Dreamy and so delicate. I love this (I think a bit different) approach to macro - instead of super saturated and sharp insects ... To be true I have come up with the same idea last winter ;) http://kangury.net/gallery/tematy/pastel/indexen.html

Wonderful - very different, very artistic.

Thank You

Inspiring and awakening.
Serious food for thought, meditating on the real.

pb. in California

love, love, love
elegant. spiritual.
wonderful dive into the world of botany and specifically grasses.

I wouldn't have thought macro was your cup of tea, Mike ... but this brings to mind an old article of yours about bokeh and how the out of focus parts of a picture can be part of the composition.

I second Gavin.

'Bout time to just lookit some fine pictures - thanks.

Ms. Seckinger's macro work has a similar visual feeling to that of some of Uta Barth's work. Barth's work is more abstract and attempts to present present a perspective on time and space. Seckinger's seems to be a much simpler meandering through bokeh. Very feminine. I'd like to see her dig a bit deeper with more complex treatments.

Thanks for this, Mike. I agree with Gavin that TOP was beginning to look more like DPreview! (Although based on the hail of comments you get for gear topics it seems like that's what pleases the crowd.)

"I agree with Gavin that TOP was beginning to look more like DPreview!"

Well, it was Photokina. Only comes around once every two years.


It's really great how much movement there is in the backgrounds. The out of focus area in #11 in the gallery almost looks like there's something exploding back there.

Macro photography and pictures of flowers have always left me pretty cold but this works. I'm not saying I'd buy a book but I enjoyed looking Angie's work.

It's the same for a pal of mine who has been on a Lensbaby Journey. I'd not seen any flora shots like Ken's until today


My kind of Bokeh.

Not exactly an iPhone friendly site [get a blank white page] ... will have to remember to check when on the Mac ...

Light, airy and dare I say feminine work. This is not your father's macro portfolio.
For me it comes across as original with an exception eye for lines and form by the photographer.

Exquisite! I love the palette, the textures, and the composition. All painterly and other-worldly. Thanks for the visual treat.

Looks like some of Freeman Patterson's work, too:


Some spectacular high-key work there, which is somewhat rare in macro. And it manages to avoid the harsh, sharp look that just the magnification usually gives to plant subjects (they're all hairy or thorny or scaley if viewed closely enough!).

These photographs make me realize that there's an entire world to be explored within 12 feet of my front door. Fantastic.

Maybe it's just that I'm hungry or that it's harvest season, but there's a sensuality in these photos that remind me eating something really delicious, or maybe the smooth and complex finish of a glass of well-aged Burgundy. Thanks!!

Always jealous of the photographers you post here on the site, and this woman certainly doesn't disappoint.

What is it about good photographers that makes you realize you have been doing it wrong? It's like all that hard work getting the newest VR nano coat macro, going to the local botanical garden, setting up the tripod, and delivering a nice sharp shot for the mantle is in vain. Along comes an artist with real vision and ephemeral, nebulous creations that dance in harmony with color and form to simultaneously destroy what you had previously thought was your core competency AND inspire you to become better at the "craft".

I say the greatest photos are the ones that transport you into the mind of the photographer at the moment the photo was taken, and that's what I feel here.

Great photos are also marked by the desire to create something similar, but when the photos are this good, I'm not sure quite how.

There is also a nice article/interview with Ms. Seckinger in the October '09 issue of Rangefinder magazine. I was so impressed/inspired at the time I tore the pages out of the magazine to save. It's well worth your time to look at her online portfolio.

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