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Friday, 02 July 2010


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Hi Mike,

I'd certainly be game, although of all the cuisines available, Japanese scares me the most. You don't want to come down to the Brat Stop??? :-)


It might be fun. Reminds me of a Checker Car Club gathering in Kalamazoo one year, when a dedicated enthusiast drove his beaten-to-pieces, driver's door caved in former taxi all the way from D.C. "Why in God's ..?" I asked, to which he replied, "I just love the cars, and I heard the food was great."

We'd work with you on that!! I know the chefs there, and they do serve cooked entrees, some of which are very Western-palate-friendly. A nice cooked chicken dish, some California rolls (which consist of rice, cooked crabmeat, avocado, and cucumber). Some Japanese food is very mild. They could take care of you. I could get suggestions from the chefs and sent you a menu in advance with their recommendations.


Wonderful idea! But flying over from Germany? ... hhmm... Not this time anyway. Have fun!

I'd come from St. Paul, but I'm on a diet.

I would certainly be interested, I was in your neck of the woods a few weeks ago and thought about this very thing. Unfortunately I will be on my way to Boston for a fantastic weeklong vacation that includes a stop by Acadia and then Quebec City. Keep me.us posted if the date changes of if there is a second gathering. Hope it is fun :O)

I would be interested in making it from the Waukesha area.

I'd be game for some sturgeon sushi!

We may actually be pedaling our bikes back to Chicago from Kettle Moraine (south) that day.

Keep us all informed as to the particulars.

Sounds like fun and not too far from Kenosha.

How big is the restaurant? I would not be surprised if people would come from surprisingly far away!

What about your presentations in England? Are they still going on?


Sounds very interesting to me, on both the food front and gathering of photographers. A little bit of a haul from the western burbs of Chicago, but a great excuse for a road trip and visit to the lakefront up that way.

“I'd come from St. Paul, but I'm on a diet.”

Great idea, but…I'd come from Eden Prairie, MN and I’m on a gasoline diet. Besides that, I had lunch with Ctein yesterday.

I'm in, dude, representing Burlington. If they don't have mochi, we can pop down to Kopps (FOD: Spumoni, Strawberry) for dessert!

Mike, how big is the place? With the size of your readership, and the fact that Milwaukee is a new low-fare airline battleground, you might have a whole lot more people than you plan.

However, don't change the venue, but if you get enough RSVPs, you might want to reserve the whole place...

I would love to be there, Mike, especially since you think so highly of the restaurant, but I'll be out of town that weekend.

I love Japanese food and would enjoy meeting other TOP readers. Count me in.
James Rhem

If I could fly somewhere for a gathering I'd fly to yours.
Wish I could be there - I'll raise a pint to you all here in Montreal!

Great idea!

Unfortunately I can't justify flying all the way from Japan to eat Japanese food! (I know, I know, it's not about the food.)

Have a great time, and TAKE PICTURES!

Let us know when you visit DC again!

Well that clashes with my book launch, but it's also a long way from Western Australia. Have fun and we must see photos.

Representing the Antipodean contingent, I'd be there in a heartbeat...

except that it's a long long way to anywhere from here, and work's been a little quiet these last 6 months.

Regardless, rock on you guys and have a ball. (And we expect at least a few high quality photos - surely one of the attendees will think to bring something at least adequate in the old picture-making department.)

I have been to the said restaurant and it is big enough for 100 of us at that time of day. Food is very good as is the service. I have 10 people visiting me that weekend, but I will try to give them the slip for a bit.

I'd love to if work in Milwaukee calls me out from NY (as it might). I learned a lot about photography as a kid from a bunch of old reprobate photographers who hung out in a corner of the Bethesda fountain plaza in Central Park in the late '60s and early '70s. I'd love to rekindle that.

I'd be very interested. Since our local organization imploded last month I'm looking for something less formal...

I would try to make it. Coming from Chicago South Suburbs.

Sounds like a fantastic evening!

Do consider setting up the 2011 TOP Sushi Tour to visit London, Paris, Prague and the rest.. Price the dinner seats right, throw in the odd paid lecture and photo critique and offer signed copies of The Empirical Photographer (2nd edition). Seriously, look at some figures and see if you can make it work!

Put me down for two.

Just spent Sat. afternoon in Waukesha checking out the the downtown area. Great art scene and I had some chats with gallery owners and an artist. The river had a strong current. I'm surprised there were no kayaker's in there. There was certainly enough water to kayak or raft in the current

My son and I headed out before the live bands started up. I wanted to run by Eagle to gawk at the storm damage. I feel really bad for those people. The news broadcasts certainly do not express what those people went through.


We could do TOP on tour. Each gathering must cover their own food, your food, and chip in enough to afford a flight ticket to the next location.

I'll take care of Washington DC / Baltimore. Where do you want to do after here?

I'd come do one in Washington, D.C. I used to live there.

My only problem is that I didn't foresee offering any VALUE other than the get-together. That is, I hadn't planned a talk or a slide show or to give away free prints or to dance the shuffle and do my Walter Brennan impression. So what would people pay extra for? I can't see making anybody pay for more than the cost of their own food and drink....


Its great to see this and would love to attend. Firm plans for the 18th however.

I do hope there will be another...


I'd love to attend on the 18th and won't have any trouble making it from the Southwest Side of Waukesha.



Darn. There must be something about this weekend that is calling me back to Wisconsin. First I was invited to an annual turkey roast picnic on Lake Michigan in Algoma. Then my wife was invited to the wedding of a former co-worker. And now this. I would love to be able to come, but alas, we now live in Louisiana, and we have to come up two weeks later to pick up Dustin to bring him back for the school year. Sounds like it will be a great time, though.


Dear Mike,

"So what would people pay extra for? I can't see making anybody pay for more than the cost of their own food and drink..."

Y'know, if you're going some place where, say, 20 people are likely to show up (sounds like you're gonna get that many for your 'hometown' dinner), if each chipped in a $20 bill, it'd cover your airfare there.

Just sayin'...

pax / Ctein


I'd love to come and represent Milwaukee. If you plan on offering prints I happen to own a lab.


If all I use is my iPhone4 to
take pics I like to send to my
friends and family, am I included
in your "bunch of photographers"

Anyone who reads TOP (and their friends or spouses, etc.) is welcome.


Yeah, I have no immediate plans to leave the UK, but otherwise I'd love to be there.

I'm seriously considering this trip from northern, WI. However need the name and address of restaurant! My computer gave me 26 choices.

I think I can make that from Elkhorn . . .

What's the word on this dinner? Is it happening? What time? Did I miss the memo?

James Rhem

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