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Monday, 12 July 2010


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In a wonderful coincidence, my copy of the 2nd Edition of Digital Restoration From Start to Finish arrived today.




The title is ridiculously misleading, a point I'm made earlier - the book is far more useful than it's narrow-sounding title would suggest. I'm impressed by the print quality, number of examples and sheer depth of the book. Each chapter is a virtual reference on a separate subject. There are chapters on each of the following subjects (note that these aren't the actual subject titles):

- Hardware
- Software
- Scanning
- Tonality
- Color
- Masks
- Tips & Tricks
- Beautification
- Printing
- Archival Storage

I can't wait to dive into it!

Best regards,

Already enrolled to learn - now just gotta get to Minneapolis :)

Having bought the book a couple of weeks ago, I'd bet the workshop is really good.

I read the book pretty much cover to cover. It's really useful - not so much that it introduces new techniques but new, precise and efficient ways to use them. And this comes from someone with a philosophical aversion to how-to books.

Highly recommended (by the Pinker rule).

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