Our own Ctein will be teaching a one-day workshop at the Mpls Photo Center (2400 North Second Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 55411) on Saturday, October 9: "Introduction to the Art of Digital Photo Restoration." See here for full details.
Ctein is the author of Digital Restoration from Start to Finish. If you have any interest in learning how to restore old or damaged photographs in particular, or in improving your digital processing skills generally, Ctein's workshop could be for you.
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Original contents copyright 2010 by Michael C. Johnston and/or the bylined author. All Rights Reserved.
In a wonderful coincidence, my copy of the 2nd Edition of Digital Restoration From Start to Finish arrived today.
The title is ridiculously misleading, a point I'm made earlier - the book is far more useful than it's narrow-sounding title would suggest. I'm impressed by the print quality, number of examples and sheer depth of the book. Each chapter is a virtual reference on a separate subject. There are chapters on each of the following subjects (note that these aren't the actual subject titles):
- Hardware
- Software
- Scanning
- Tonality
- Color
- Masks
- Tips & Tricks
- Beautification
- Printing
- Archival Storage
I can't wait to dive into it!
Best regards,
Posted by: amcananey | Tuesday, 13 July 2010 at 09:47 AM
Already enrolled to learn - now just gotta get to Minneapolis :)
Posted by: -M. | Tuesday, 13 July 2010 at 05:57 PM
Having bought the book a couple of weeks ago, I'd bet the workshop is really good.
I read the book pretty much cover to cover. It's really useful - not so much that it introduces new techniques but new, precise and efficient ways to use them. And this comes from someone with a philosophical aversion to how-to books.
Highly recommended (by the Pinker rule).
Posted by: Martin Doonan | Wednesday, 14 July 2010 at 10:18 PM