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Thursday, 06 May 2010


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In light of all the "you get what you pay for" comments photographers make about people trying to get free or cheap photos, I find it amusing that Magnum's video podcasts often end with a credit saying sound came from freesound.org. What about the poor sound recordists who have a living to make?

You know, if stories like this keep creeping up, it may revive the market for custom work from pro photographers, because everyone will be scared to use stock.

If the DUP had gone to a non-cheap stock photography place, they would have had to license, exclusively, not just the picture they used, but all other pictures of that model. And make sure the model isn't available on other stock agencies. And that the model wouldn't allow new pictures to be taken. In fact, the cost of the stock photo isn't the problem, the problem is using stock in the first place instead of getting a custom photo job of somebody they trust will not switch sides.

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