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Saturday, 29 May 2010


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I'm curious about the "many of which no longer exist" part.
Where does a camera of this sort vanish to?

I don't know, specifically. But I imagine some get "used up" while being tested, some are passed out to beta-users, other are used as ordinary cameras and go the way of all things, and so forth. It's easy to imagine that they weren't considered valuable or even interesting early on.

Remember "The Trough of No Value"?


I wonder if any of these cameras will actually be used by the new owners - even if just once.

Well, a number of the cameras auctioned were relatively prosaic--I'm sure a few of them will be used. But these two, at least, the chances are slim to none.


Lot 364, the black paint Nikon 1 didn't do too badly either - €95,000, not including buyer's premium.

I went there a 5 p.m., not to the auction but to the shop to buy 2 yellow filters and a green filter for my not so expensive M-mount lenses ;-)

Somehow cool to read this here the other day.

The Leica is such a work of art. People sure will pay to own a piece of history.

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