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Wednesday, 21 April 2010


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Would be cool if you could make it down, Mike. The excuse of your car not being able to make the trip is no longer valid ;-)

For those who are wondering about where the proceeds from the PDML book will go:


but wait, there's more. In addition to a chance to meet a great group, many of us are going to take in the Eggleston show at AIC.

I think we'll also take a few photos. It would be fun to have you along, Mike.

A couple of points:

The reception begins at 6:00 p.m. - not 6:00 a.m. as stated on the Dank Haus web page!

The next day (Saturday, May 8), a group of us are going to the Art Institute of Chicago at 10:00 (a.m.) to see the Eggleston exhibit. All are welcome the Friday reception and the Saturday gallery trip. You can leave a note on the PDML Photo Annual's Facebook page www.facebook.com/pages/PDML-Photo-Annual/119470411397894

Mike - get your butt down to Chicago I promise I wont even say the word "cat" :-)

ann sanfedele

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