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Tuesday, 27 April 2010


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Actually the stories on how to do photo manipulation before photoshop on a JM photos on Janis and how to reign Annie on budget are both very good read.

Highly recommended.

Another dog called Bob, from the photographer of Ernie cat fame. http://www.tonymendozaphoto.com/pages/bob.asp Enjoy.

"Actually the stories on how to do photo manipulation before photoshop on a JM photos on Janis and how to reign Annie on budget are both very good read"

Aren't they? I thought so too.


I think of Alasdair Gray's "Comedy Of The White Dog" any time I see one of these dogs.

My old dog Bonnie, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, was also terrified of cats. All the neighbourhood cats used to chase her and beat her up. She also got beaten up by a peacock once.

"But there wasn't a mean bone in his entire body..."
Mine, too, packed her sweet nature in a wrong body and for that, needs to be muzzled in public places.

Now, back to Eggleston...

Nice post about the dog, but the blog isn't for me. Too political.

Driver8- I can appreciate not liking my blog because it's "too political" (or perhaps because the politics aren't to your liking). I can only say that one of my favorite all time photographers, Les Krims, is my exact political opposite- and his dear friend is none other than Milton Rogovin, his political opposite.

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