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Tuesday, 23 March 2010


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That portrait gives me the jitters.

It does look like a paste-up job, doesn't it? Her neck doesn't read right to me, apart from her head being too big.


While this may be a great love story, I'm not sure how it elevates Margaret Hardman to the level of "important photographer".Of course, it might have something to do with the fact that the show is being exhibited at, the "Hardman" house and curated by it's staff.

I would put more stock into this exhibit if it had been conceived and curated by a neutral third party rather than an a group who stands to benefit directly from any success.

Thats a great story, makes one appreciate the colour in the world of black and white in that time

No neck and a two dimensional face. I can't determine if that is a bad thing!?

Chuck; I guess I'm in better spirits, and perhaps less cynical, than you today. (It's a beautiful early spring day here in Chicago with more to come!) So I really don't give a hang who might benefit from this show. I'm glad Mike posted the story and I'd be glad to pay my pence to see the show. "Important photographer"...bah...what the hell's that?

What is it with the negativity that appears all over the web? I don't think anyone is going to benefit from the success of this venture. The National Trust is a British Charity http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/main/w-trust/w-thecharity.htm

I think we should celebrate that anyone anywhere is trying to preserve our heritage especially the art of photography.

This may be the first time I've said this in a public forum, but here goes.

Good Grief! Don't you recognize history's embedded sexism - nowhere more evident than in photography. The very definition of 'important' implies male. And,jeez, criticizing Margaret's appearance is a commentary on her husband's photography, not hers. I think Margaret's work in the Guardian article is stunning.

It is not political correctness to reexamine history for neglected voices and visions. Thank you, Gavin and Mike, for bringing this to TOP.


Yes, I had originally cast my post about this in the following terms: if "behind every successful man is a strong women," does that mean "in front of every strong woman is a man standing in her way?" That kind of thing. But it didn't seem quite appropriate to what I know of the story. It seems they really were a team, and husband-wife mom-and-pop shops are really not uncommon in professional photography. I'm happy Margaret is getting her due; but the picture that emerges from what little I know is of a devoted couple running a business together....


P.S. The only thing I see wrong with that picture is that I don't quite believe it. It seems like a composite photograph to me, what today might fall under the rubric of "bad Photoshop." There are a number of pictures of both of "Hardy" and Margaret in the BBC Four documentary.

Hardman's studio at 59 Rodney Street, Liverpool, England is preserved by the National Trust and is well worth the visit. Everything is preserved just as it was, including the two darkrooms (one for his business, one for private use).


@ Denise

"And,jeez, criticizing Margaret's appearance is a commentary on her husband's photography, not hers."

This could very well be directed at me, and of course I was commenting on the photography not Margaret herself.

It's truly weird but I rather like it.

"What a lovely show—I really enjoyed that"

Touching wasn't it?

Great rivalry between Liverpool and my city Manchester. Mancuinians (aka Mancs) and Liverpudlians (aka Scousers) are more alike than we like to admit, but from football to music we've each laid claim to supremacy over the other. A lot of us are from Irish stock. I seldom envy scousers (nor they us) but we haven't got a record like the one the Hardmans' left them.

A very pleasant video report of a local phenomenon. There's nothing to get cynical about. They were a couple who happened to have the luck to be able to do what they wanted and the skill pull it off. Housework was certainly not their "thing". He said of it himself: "... it was fun while it lasted." And if a few curious people visit the place they'll get a feel for what it was like to work in a wet darkroom. That's a bit of education right there!

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