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Friday, 26 February 2010


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Is the lower camera a film camera? That is, a movie camera?

Yes it's a Bell and Howell model 605 regular 8 movie camera, and I think a Kodak 35.
Got one of each for less than that shirt.

I'm not sure it's design-a-day as much as it is a different design every day. On the other hand my wife showed me a list yesterday of Blogs (on Blogger) that feature artists actually doing paintings-a-day. Small paintings but still...

So when can I buy a TOP t-shirt?

Good weekend Y'all

Thanks for the great post!

Ordered 2. Thanks for the tip Mike.

I think that it actually is a very old motion camera. I've seen one before and they are very rare, the film even rarer.

Thanks for posting this link TOP, we appreciate the support!


Thanks for posting this.

That's a photo of my first 35 mm camera-purchased used in 1955 for $35. Then I was a high school senior moving up from the family box camera.

Fifty five years later I am now a retiree still enjoying the hobby thanks in part to a camera shop owner that gave (I think) a student a good deal.

Ron H

Yes, the lower camera is a movie camera; old 16mm or 8mm, I don't identify it precisely, but it's a very recognizable shape.

(I ordered the shirt, too, and told them where I heard about it. Not only is the shirt quite cheap at $10, but shipping is completely reasonable at $2.50.)

Very nice. I am right now wearing a camera-themed hoodie by Charlie and Sarah (http://www.charlieandsarah.com/) that I picked up at the Renegade Craft Fair in Brooklyn this past summer.

They have a whole line of camera couture for young and old alike featuring illustrations of older cameras. My hoodie is made of super soft cotton and I wear it all the time. (I got the Hassy)


My younger brother bought an old Kodak like the one on the front of the shirt, back around 1977. He paid $7 for it. We were in junior high school then, and I took the camera apart in an effort to repair it. Unfortunately, my repair efforts were unsuccessful, and the camera was eventually thrown away. So, when I saw the T-shirt with that old Kodak on the front, I just had to order a shirt for myself, and one for my brother.

Just wanted to once again give thanks to The Online Photographer for such a great post. A great sales day at RIPT!

I'd second Charlie's call for a TOP T.

That's a really cool design up there

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