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Wednesday, 17 February 2010


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I do hope it's a great platinum print.

Please tell us that the next offer is on contact prints from 8x10!
And... Thank you Ctein, thank you Mike!

Congratulations to Ctein!

He so deserves whatever good comes his way. He has to be the world's most dedicated photographer. Brilliant writer too.

Daguerreotypes? ;)

If anyone wants to buy a platinum/palladium print you can always email me =)

Great to hear this sale went well. I picked up a print in the first sale (and couldn't afford another at this time) which is proudly displayed at my home now. Other photogs keep asking me how they can print their color images with this process!

"Other photogs keep asking me how they can print their color images with this process!"

And they can, actually--Ctein does custom work.

Kinda expensive, but can be worth it for the right image and the right application.


Yesterday I received my prints here in Santiago Chile.
Amazing short delivery time.


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