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Wednesday, 24 February 2010


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Surface mail to the US is £118 (around ¢180), but we are negotiating with US distributors such as Borders and Barnes & Noble.

Thanks for your interest,

Simon Bainbridge,
British Journal of Photography

BJP needs to look into electronic format, like team up with APPLE, you could get a free iPad with the mail savings.

I just do not understand why magazine publishers are not branching out into the digital world, guess the old Mission statement still requires paper.

Huh. First I've heard of this. I've been a BJP subscriber for quite a few years and have mostly enjoyed the magazine. Frankly found it a bit more informative than our own PDN (which I decided to drop this year).

Weekly did often seem a bit too frequent for photo news (especially from Britain). But I guess I'll have to approach the "new" BJP as a whole new publication. I hope it's successful.

"but we are negotiating with U.S. distributors such as Borders and Barnes & Noble"

Please do!

Looking forward to reading. That's a great portrait you have there. It's always fascinating to have portraits involve one human interacting with another, especially if it's in a strange way.

Am I the only one thinking of Luis Buñuel with that cover? It seems very Un Chien Andalou.

I like the new look of the mag.

I like the BJP. It's the only magazine I'm still subscribing to.

That being said, I'm much looking forward to getting my iPad, and if the BJP would launch a version for that, I'd be happy to get that.

"I love that "returning"—the last time it was a monthly was in 1857!"

That is so very British, the long view on things. Gotta love it.

Un chien andalou

I'm sure BJP was inspired by TOP's recent transformation.

The March cover is very enticing. Too bad it's hard to find in the U.S., though they do seem to put a generous helping on their web site. I hope they plan to continue that practice.

My only problem with the change is that now there will be only one great cover a month, not four.

"Returning": In America, 100 years is a long time. In England, 100 miles is a long distance.

I'm pleased to say that the BJP is one of the few photo magazines that regularly has a black and white cover photograph.

I will miss getting the BJP weekly. Of course it was a couple of weeks late, but I read it the day it comes and will not enjoy waiting a month for the next one. So many good articles...now there will be less. But it will still be worth the expense to the US.

I've been a subscriber for several years and received my new monthly copy yesterday. All I can say is that apart from a slightly dodgy font that I'm sure they'll fix, the change is excellent in every way. There is less news (we get it all on the internet now anyway) but much more in depth and interesting features, great interviews, and beautiful photos, all printed on quality paper. This is what the professionals' magazine should be - well done BJP! A very happy subscriber...

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