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Tuesday, 05 January 2010


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It's a very nice image, but I have serious problems with web designers who feel the need to reposition and resize browser windows. It is annoying, to say the least.

"Service temporary down". Mike, you broke the poor guy's bandwidth! :-D

(I don't know about you, but we're in the deep freezer.)

Well we're certainly not hoar rimmed here in Pretoria. Two rainy days have pulled the temperatures down a bit but it's been a hot, humid summer so far here.

Nice one. Great to see a fellow VR photographer getting a "random" from TOP. Ayrton is also a hardworking stalwart of the (relatively young) genre. Freaky to look down, though...

I'm kinda confused as to how this was accomplished. Does this guy own a jetpack?

In the same vein, you want to check out http://gigapix.no/gigapiksel -- the site is in Norwegian, but there are gigapixel panoramas of several Norwegian cities and events.

Hi Mike,

Okay, NOW I know why Rio got the 2016 Olympic Games.


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