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Thursday, 24 December 2009


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John; Thank you for the good little story whose lesson is extensible across many endeavors...even far beyond photography. Recognizing when it's time to move on is an important, but rare, skill.

I've often wondered about this. I've been shooting several series for a few years of my peregrinations around NYC: interesting (I think) sidewalk "found" compositions; people in the subways (I know, I know, it's been done to death); trees against walls in, often grim, urban settings and people plying various trades on Broadway.

When do I stop? When I get bored with it? I've already got too many of each and find it impossible to decide which ones belong in the "ten set" and which don't make the grade.

Thanks for the article and the 2 images are fantastic. Maybe I'll stop when I have something as good as them!

That picture of the volleyball player...WOW! What a capture. You can see the tension in the musculature of his arms and shoulders, the focus in his eyes, but his hands look so relaxed and graceful. I'm not an accomplished photographer nor a great critic, but I DO KNOW when I see something I like---when it just "feels good" to my eyes---and this shot instantly became one of my all-time favorites. Any chance of owning a print of this??? Thank you very much for the post.

Rod G.

That's a spectacular photo, of the volleyball player!

Man, that volleyball picture is amazing.

Just looked at your site - lovely, lovely photos. The shot from below of the man holding the plastic jerrycans is the bees knees.

Fantastic shot of the volleyball shot :)

Awesome shots... and a good life lesson that resonates with me personally, as I find it very true you can't always "force" your photographic journey.

Taking the 1st shot apart you get +10 for rope in the air +10 for good BW conversion, +10 for "asia exotic" aka men with funny hats, +10 foreign language on the boat which looks funny, +10 for the sky, nice texture there, +10 for a guy looking bored. A lot to look at, especially when you consider the aisan waterways that provide transportation and life for many, a great deal is compacted into this frame.

The second shot is crakin also, skin tone is something special in that one, looks luminous, and the focus looks spot on.

nice article and great shots!
5 years of architecture school taught me that finishing a project is what it is ALL about.
that doesn't make it easier, though!, the decisions are just as vexing even if thrown into relief by the bright light that the certainly that they must be made brings.

First, Mike, thanks for hosting John's article and images. Second, John, thanks for sharing your experience. Third, John, I'm not usually taken with B&W images, but your first image of the men on the boats stopped me in my tracks. The cloudy day and relaxed posture of the men in the ethnic setting struck chords for me at several levels. I find it is sparking creative thoughts for my own photography. The second photo speaks for itself, excellent. Again, great images, all the best and thanks for the inspiration. Your site is now in my bookmarks.

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