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Sunday, 15 November 2009


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Delish! So many great images on Juan's site. If there's a clinker, I certainly haven't found it. Consistently wonderful. Thanks, Juan!

Terrific. Love this one http://photoblog.jbuhler.com/index.php?showimage=1458. Medieval doctor with a plague mask...

Amazing work! The photos are motivation to hit the streets now!

This man definitely has a good eye. Great pix. I love the one of the man at a table with the little girl pontificating on the right and her cuddly bunny 'looking on' on the left.

Also, above, what a cool car!

Wow, thanks Mike! I was actually feeling a bit uninspired, unhappy about my photos today--this post made my day! Off to shoot now.


I've been enjoying Juan's photography since your article about him in the January '07 issue of "Black and White Photography".

I try to check in at least once a week -- always some great photos awaiting.

Thanks Mike, and thanks, Juan. I love it when a photo can make me laugh out loud.


stunning black and white photography very in the moment!

If you want to see a shorter number of his pictures, search in Pentax Photo Gallery

Wow - these really are amazing. Each of his images manages to convey something that makes it a unique moment.

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