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Friday, 02 October 2009


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I apologize in advance for the 'printing anorak' style of question...

Museo is a family of papers, I was wondering which specific one has been chosen? Silver Rag would seem an obvious choice (300 gsm in all formats), but it could equally be Museo Max, (250 and 365 gsm in sheets, but only available in 250 gsm for rolls which are more likely to be used with a 9800).

It would be interesting to see how the image prints on an art paper like Somerset velvet, just for a different interpretation.


Very hapless to see this site becoming multi lingual.


Done on both accounts. Take care.



About "MUY IMPORTANDO:" Mike, maybe you did it on porpouse ;) but the real words in spanish are "MUY IMPORTANTE", you put something like "very importing"

Luis from Argentina

Well the way I see it this photo says a lot about the photographer, I'm not sure if it says anything about the camera. Its not technically demanding, I couldn't say (and wouldnt care) if it was taken with a P&S.

I wouldnt be too fussed about technical details like sharpness etc in this case, this photo is 99% photographer: his sense of composition & timing, reading the light, matching colours and shapes. Beautiful work.

"the real words in spanish are 'MUY IMPORTANTE'"

Whoops, my slip is showing. Thanks Luis.


I presume that it's mounted and matted?

It's a great shot, no doubt about that...

I had a good laugh at how you presented the price though, just like a market seller...

NOT $1200... Not $650... Not even $250!!!!

I must be MAD!! $75 and $150!!!!

You'd have to be an IDIOT not to buy!!!!

"I presume that it's mounted and matted?"

No, it's not.


Crazy Mikey's Prints 'R' Us.

Expect a rant on this subject sometime within the next few weeks. I feel it a-comin' on.


It is a very compelling image, and somehow very familiar -- then it suddenly struck me that she is walking past what is clearly the underpainting for Picasso's "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon"...

I'm hoping your rant is going to concern the (over)pricing of digitally-produced photographic prints, and sharp practices like "limited" editions? These prints seem eminently reasonably priced to me.

If I bought it how many calories are in that print should I have to eat it? Just in case. I hate this economy.

BTW, how about that #4 for the Vikes? Favre has always been the MN QB. We have always been at (football) war with Rogers' Pack.

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