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Sunday, 14 June 2009


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That's my Birthday!

A pair of socks or a trip over the pond...

Pair of socks :(

I will be there!

I'm so happy David Keenan is spearheading these programs. Elliott Erwitt is an all time favorite and I can hardly wait to hear him speak. Austin is becoming a real photo center! Can't swing a D3x without hitting a photographer.....

I've been to the first two (Mary Ellen Mark and Alec Soth), and they've been excellent events. Even the organizers seemed surprised to have gotten Erwitt. Should be fun.

Mike, if you had to recommend one currently available Erwitt book for those of us unfamiliar, what would it be?

Certainly one of the greatest living American photographers, if not the greatest!

Just so happens Austin is 30 minutes away. Also just so happens Elliott Erwitt is one of my favorites. I hope to make this one.

That's my Birthday!

And mine on the 26th. Socks for me too unfortunately!

I gotta say, that's one of the best shots of ANY photographer I have ever seen... RESPECT!

One of my favorite photographers of all time. Oh how I wish I could be there.

what an awesome picture David! ... I remember the days .... <3 Corey

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