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Sunday, 28 June 2009


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Oh, yes indeed... Giants walked the earth clutching cameras in those far-off days. Gowin's contribution to the Lustrum Press collection "Darkroom 2" (1978) gives a fascinating account of both his darkroom practice and his relationship with Frederick Sommer.

My personal favourite is still "Ice Fish", the original cover. I suspect not enough people will have the appropriate reaction to your sentence "I got to meet Edith Gowin"... That's at least the second name you've dropped that's really made me sit up. The other I can recall was a while ago when you wrote something like "my friend John Gossage". As my daughter would so eloquently put it, I'm like, OMG WTF.

Here is an interview with Emmet, Edith pops in as well, on J.P. Caponigro's site.


Some nice thoughts on art, serendipity, and spirituality.

This was one of the first books of photography I really looked at--and read about and wrote about while at university ten or so years ago. And I agree, Nancy is a very powerful image. So it is nice to know that I can now, at last, afford a copy!

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