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Thursday, 21 May 2009


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So, Arghya gets a Pentax K-7 with DA Ltd. of choice and nice Domke bag?

Arghya should win one of your K7's ;-)

You mean by how you're using the HTML height and width attributes to tell the client to downscale the images rather than actually providing a properly-scaled version? Yeah, don't do that. :)

Not only is it slow and a waste of bandwidth, the scaling algorithms used vary from browser to browser and OS to OS, so what looks good on your Mac may look terrible elsewhere.

I just want to congratulate TOP for this wonderful achievement. Of all the websites I peruse, the comments here are the most informed, balanced, and thoughtful. It's nice to see such a community alive and well, with people who care so much, about an art that has undergone radical changes in the last 10 years. To every single commenter, I tip my hat to you, you really make this site shine.

And thanks Mr. Johnston for sticking to your guns, doing things the right way, and providing your (sometimes) contrarian/trotskite spin on stuff... makes sense to me, and sometimes even gives me a loud chuckle.

To the next 30,000!

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