Our friend Sean Reid at Reid Reviews has just added three more lens tests to his ongoing series—this time focusing on three "one-off" 50mm lenses for rangefinders: the Leica Summarit, Cosina/Voigtländer Color-Skopar and C/V Heliar Classic collapsible.
Just as a curmudgeonly aside, who would buy a 50mm Summarit over a Zeiss Planar? Note those prices. I can see preferring one marque over another; I can see paying more for better; I can see settling for not quite as good if it's cheaper; and I can see preferring a new lens in a market awash with great used ones. Planar vs. Summicron might be a legitimate debate, although, having used both extensively, that too is a no-brainer in my view. Albeit less of one. But a Planar is faster, considerably cheaper, and optically better than a Summarit. I can't see a single comparative advantage to the slower lens—it's not even lighter. Faced with that choice, who considers a Summarit? Is there a thriving anti-Oriental xenophobe niche market that I don't know about?
All right then, grump mode off.
Sean also recently published Part I of his Panasonic G1 review, as well as an epic comparison of fast 50s for Nikon F mount cameras. (Reid Reviews is a pay site.)
Featured Comment by Sean Reid: "The 50 Summarit performs quite well in most aspects. I think Mike's point is that the Zeiss outperforms the Summarit in some technical respects while costing less. But I personally would never think of the Summarit 50 as a dog. Rather, there are a lot of excellent 50 mm RF lenses out there and so competition is pretty fierce. Another standout bargain in 50 mm RF lenses is a good copy of the CV 50/1.5 Nokton."
Mike adds: No, not a dog—it seems like a fine little lens. It's just pretty far down on the value-for-money scale is all, and doesn't compete well in its class, which makes it an also-ran. By the way, I don't know if this is true or false, but the rumor I heard years ago was that Leica was considering redesigning the 50mm Summicron to bring it up to date, but decided that the selling price would be just too high at the time for a lens of the Summicron's specification; so they opted to make a no-holds-barred, price-no-object 50mm Summilux-M instead, which they did. The price on that one is high too, but not too high for its specification for people who want the best. Seemed like the right choice.
Sean: I agree that the Summarits are excellent lenses, on the whole. Some may also like the fact that they're slightly lower contrast than some of the Zeiss and (faster) Leica lenses. Horses for courses really. The small number of us still using RF cameras are spoiled for good choices when it comes to many focal lengths.
Mike: That's true. Have you used the Zeiss Biogon 28mm ZM lens much? I know you reviewed it some time ago. I wasn't thoroughly impressed with the SLR 28/2, but that little ZM lens is awesome—it really has that ineffable je ne sais quois, as my friend Gordon would say, with B&W film at least.
Sean: Yes, I certainly have used the ZM 28 (on the R-D1 and M8) and it is indeed excellent. The current 28 Summicron is exceptional as well and so is the little CV 28/3.5 Skopar. Cheers.
OK, Young Grump, could you tell us your no-brainer preferences and reasons for them between the 50 Summilux, 50 Summicron and 50 Planar? I presume this is on film, and are you referring to pre-aspherical or post Summis?
Posted by: scott kirkpatrick | Friday, 23 January 2009 at 03:01 PM
When the first came out the Summarits were cheaper than they are now. Leica has had two price increases since then. So, initially, the Summarit was a bit more expensive but you got 6-bit coding at no extra charge (only important to M8 users) and a better warranty.
As far as I know Zeiss hasn't raised any of their net prices yet, but almost everyone else has so I wouldn't be surprised if they do soon.
So right now the Planar is a far better deal at almost 1/2 the price but that may not last. Get 'em while they're hot!
Posted by: photogdave | Friday, 23 January 2009 at 03:19 PM
Summarit is coded. Planar is not-
Although on a 50 it makes little difference. On a 35 or wider it does. And presumably future (I am hopeful) Leica rangefinders may employ software optical corrections just as Hasselblad, Panasonic and others do now. So ignoring the IR issue, coding may still have benefits going forward. Or DXO could create a module for Leica lenses...not that they need it:)
Zeiss would be wise to mill the indentations into any of it's new mounts but leave out the paint to avoid patent infringement. Better yet Leica could allow other manufacturers to produce coded mounts. It would be good for the ecosystem.
Overall, the summarits themselves seem to be part of the Leica development that has one wondering, just what were they thinking. The recent (dropped I think) campaign to sell uber-expensive cameras with semi-bargain lenses as point and shoots to new Leica customers was also part of this. The infamous "S" mode, although not without precedent (my dad's ambi silette, the poor man's Leica from 1956 had a "o" or mode, hyperfocal markings on the lens focus scale and a "o" at f9.5 if I recall correctly, essentially a rangefinder point and shoot mode)-is pretty weak considering it only works on 35's and lower, all this for 5500! Perhaps the legacy of Steven-Best Buy Lee, the former CEO? I have no idea.
Otoh-One has to welcome a lower price point even if it is not Zeiss-low, and also the component assembly procedures they employ are starting to be used across other lenses and products, and should help them in the future, ie; the S2.
Finally the summarit 24 is supposedly a really great performer, and as Sean has noted, works wonderfully with the M8's max frame lines, and does not block the view. A compact "bodycap" lens if that is your focal length. Makes the also wonderful Elmarit 24 odd man out, considering the forthcoming lux 24.
And since I am being product evangelist: the summarit 75 as reviewed by Sean is a great deal compared to the over twice as expensive only half stop faster cron 75.
probably the 50 and 35 are the least attractive.
Posted by: robert | Friday, 23 January 2009 at 03:20 PM
I love Sean's reviews. Although, I don't use any of the gear he normally reviews, but I can still appreciate the effort and thought process which makes them fun and informative.
I'm getting more into film these days (sticking with Pentax LX), maybe a range finder is in my future.
Posted by: ShadZee | Friday, 23 January 2009 at 03:23 PM
I'm only talking about the 50.
Mike J.
Posted by: Michael Johnston | Friday, 23 January 2009 at 03:39 PM
"I'm only talking about the 50."
I know, I agree the 50 is a dog when you consider 50 pre-aspherical summilux's are out there, the 50 crons too!
I have a zeiss 25 and while it is a great lens for the money, the fact that it feels differently in hand compared to my other Leica lenses makes a difference in handling. 1/3rd stop clicks as opposed to 1/2 stop (altho--for digital, the 1/3rds are very useful for expose the right nudging!) and the focus tab is weirdly convex not concave. At "least" the 50 summarit will feel like a Leica lens.
I'm reaching, right?
Posted by: robert | Friday, 23 January 2009 at 04:00 PM
Yes, but compared to some of the other Leica lenses (eg. 50, f/1.0) it's a bargin, might as well pick one up while at B&H. sa.
Posted by: Eddie | Friday, 23 January 2009 at 04:29 PM
Isn't Summarit a little bit smaller than Planar?
Posted by: Happy with Jupiter-8 | Friday, 23 January 2009 at 05:37 PM
Just wanted to add:
I'm getting a little tired of all the Summarit haters. They are really fine lenses and not at all expensive - especially by Leica standards.
Sure Cosina makes some lenses that offer more bang for the buck but some people just want "Made In Germany" and what's wrong with that?
The cost to produce these lenses must be greater than the production of the Cosina lenses, so Leica must charge more to make a profit.
It's fine to spend your money more efficiently for lenses that are arguably just as good, but that doesn't mean one has to crap all over the Summarits and the people who choose to buy them!
For the record I've bought a few Voigtlander lenses new and so far my few Leica lenses are second-hand. Although with the current rebate I am probably going to pick up a new Elmarit 28mm ASPH, which will be my first ever new Leica purchase!
Thanks for the rant space Mike.
Posted by: photogdave | Friday, 23 January 2009 at 07:32 PM
You're welcome, but "hate" is too strong a word for lenses. Even when I recently panned that Nikon zoom here, a reader immediately linked to some perfectly fine work he'd done with it. The FIRST principle is that the work is the thing, and if you can make good pictures with a digital p/s or a plastic triplet, well, whatever works. The Second Principle would have to be, do what you want. In the free world, as long as what you're doing isn't hurting anybody, then suit yourself. I can't imagine how an affection for any lens at all could hurt anybody, so, you want to use it, use it.
All that said, a lens is not automatically superior just because it has the L-word engraved on it. They make some great lenses and some not so. The thing I'd hate to see is somebody scrimping and saving for a Summarit 50 because they assume it's a magic bullet, and overlooking a better lens they could have had for less.
Although I guess we all have a right to make our own mistakes, too.
Mike J.
Posted by: Michael Johnston | Friday, 23 January 2009 at 08:31 PM
Robert says, above, "the summarit 24 is supposedly a really great performer." I'm afraid there is no Summarit 24. He also says "probably the 50 and 35 are the least attractive." Don't know about the 50, but I own the 35 Summarit and it is a superb lens. I liked it far better than the clinical Zeiss 35/2 I also tried out. Having said that, I agree with Mike the Summarit line is no bargain (I bought mine used). It only makes sense if you like the image rendition it produces.
Posted by: Carl Siracusa | Saturday, 24 January 2009 at 01:49 AM
my bad, I was referring to the new Elmar 24...so I'm way off base.
My point about the 35 and 50 being less attractive was based on their cost relative to the availability of older Leica lenses used that are faster and perform similarly if not better.
An embarrassment of riches.
Posted by: robert | Saturday, 24 January 2009 at 10:43 AM
I suspect I'd quite like the 35mm Summarit, based on Sean's review and poking around the web. But I doubt I'd like it more than the C/V 35/2.5, which is one of my favorites (and one of the only C/V lenses I'm not ultimately ambivalent about). And the question is really relative value: currently $1300 vs. $340. It boggles my mind every time I come across the standard Summarit description: "economical."
On the other hand, I can't quarrel with anyone who wants to use the Summarit. It's their money, and their lens, and god knows I've wasted enough money over the years not getting what I really wanted right from the start. Sometimes "economizing" isn't.
Mike J.
Posted by: Michael Johnston | Saturday, 24 January 2009 at 10:56 AM
If Leica knows they have a built-in customer base who will purchase their 'L'-branded products uncritically and at any inflated price, does Leica not then have little reason to compete fiercely in the open market?
Is there a new generation of Leicaphiles coming along who will continue allowing Leica to coast, however ungracefully, on its reputation?
Posted by: mikeinmagog | Saturday, 24 January 2009 at 11:00 AM
Funny, yesterday I bought a mint R-d1 and a new CV 28/2 ultron, mainly based on Sean's review
at luminous-landscape and the also great review from Josh Root at photo.net.
Now, one day later, this post on TOP.
I think it started out that I read something about the Olympus E-1 on zone10 and that is not
unimportant wheter you like the look and feel of a camera, and even the shutter sound. True,
I had the E-1 and sold it. Then I started to realize how great this camera was and that there
is no adequate replacement for it. Also this whole discussions about noise are completely
unimportant for my personal stuff. The E-1 picuteres have the potential to look superb - at
every ISO, just depending on the me and some luck.
However, I always loved rangefinders, but prices were always keeping me away from a film
Leica, the R-d1 and the M8. Maybe this was a mistake from the beginning. How much DSLRs did I
buy and sell? How many lenses? How much did I lose this way?
Now, with the Rd-1 I am at home. After picking it up yesterday, making some shots and getting
used to the handling and buttons I knew it, even before looking at the pictures. Because what
should be wrong with them? Same sensor as in Nikon D50 which was fine. Meanwhile I think that
the minor differences in image quality are unimportant compared to differences in handling
and feeling of the camera. At least for me.
The R-d1 makes me think:
It is a real camera with a sensor behind the lens, not some digital cumbersome piece of
engeneers or marketeers dreams. It fits in the small pouch of my Naneu bag, like the compact
Olympus C5050z. It is light on the shoulder, feels there exactly like a Canonet. You set
aperture, exposure and focus like it should be. The viewfinder is a stunning 1:1, bright and
clear like nothing I have seen before. Then out on the street, you can flip the display
inwards and just concentrate on the real thing. I tried today, and it was so deliberating
after howling around those dslrs and pretending. And you stroke the lever to cock the
shutter. As Sean mentioned at this review, I too could appreciate that design decision after
actually using the camera. Some things one cannot convey in words. Operating a lever after
the shot is the way God ment it to be.
And there many other neat little details that Sean and Josh already disuseed at length.
So: Isn't this what someone called DMD?
Isn't it a pity that absolute milestone products like this get discontinued, yet they produce
always newer and weirder products to create consumer demand? I mean, some of us are really
let down. After having used the R-d1 for a few hours netto I don't even want to look through
and EVF or something like that.
And Mike: why don't you pick up some of these and end your quest for the next dslr? You
wouldn't regret it.
Also many thanks to Sean Read, whose review was really helpful. I subscribed a few minutes
ago to and am looking forward to have some fun wasting my time reading things that I won't
buy anyway ;-))
keep on posting...
best always
Posted by: Andreas | Saturday, 24 January 2009 at 07:05 PM
Comparing two lenses from a practical point of view ("the pictures I do") is an uncomplete comparison.
I like the Zeiss ZM lenses, but sometime I find some unwanted lateral movement in the focusing rings. Leica's Leica's manufacture seems to be better, maybe metal components are better, and 5 years of warranty costs money and points to the level of the quality control of the manufacturing process. Anyway, Zeiss lenses are optically similar to Leica lenses of the same speed (f/2, f/2.8), and Summarits are a half stop slower (in fact, f/2.4, when the Zeiss are f/2).
If you compare with Voigtländer lenses the differences are more evident: mechanical manufacturing, optical manufacturing (centering), tolerances, coatings (flare resistance), vignetting, resolution, contrasts...
Leica isn't charging a lot of money for the brand. A careful manufacturing process, top-class optical designs, materials and components, costs a lot of money. The long warranty period says all the story.
Posted by: Rubén Osuna Guerrero | Thursday, 29 January 2009 at 08:28 PM