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Tuesday, 27 January 2009


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Thanks to LIFE photos uploaded to google.com we can now see a treasure trove of Larry Burrows' photos online.


Thanks for pointing this out. Coincidentally, I searched for this book yesterday, hoping to buy. Looks like I can get a used copy for about what would have been a weeks pay for one of these guys.


I happen to have a copy of the book, "Requiem", that Mike Budd linked to earlier and cannot recommend it enough....although I paid retail for it years ago, not the exorbitant used prices listed now. Seeing all of those Vietnam war photos by photographers who were killed, from both sides, is incredibly sobering.

Even more sobering is the listing of one particular North Vietnamese photographer who was not only killed in the war, but whose work was completely lost. Not a single photograph is known to exist. Is there any sadder end result for a photographer?

The Requiem Book is featured extensively here on TheDigitalJournalist http://www.digitaljournalist.org/issue9711/req1.htm - the sound files do not work on my pc, but the pictures and accompanying articles were worth it.

"The picture below, reproduced alone on a page approximately the size you see it here, is the last picture in that one."

Mike, the picture size would vary depending upon the screen resolution one uses. The image itself is a certain number of pixels in height and width. Higher screen resolutions (in pixels per inch) would mean a smaller image; lower resolutions would result in a larger image. The image size on the screen can vary widely.

For me, this brave photographer will always call to mind his photo of Marine Gunnery Sergent Jeremiah Purdue, himself injured, reaching out to a more seriously-injured marine after a bloody firefight to retain Hill 484.


Burrows captured in one image both the horrors of war (the hellish mud, the wounded marine, half-sitting and looking almost crucified) as well as the heroism and compassion of our Marines, exemplified by Gunny Purdue.

Oh...maybe not so much on this one, Mike. I've enough Vietnam photos already...ones I took. Not in the same class, and not worthy of publication, of course...I gotta tell ya, it wasn't anywhere near as much fun as the photos in Burrows' book would lead you to believe at first blush.

(But I did place a little Amazon order tonight, trying to beat the rumored price increase on Nikon gear, and used your link;)

Larry Burrow's B&W portrait was displayed in the Vietnam war museum in Ho Chi Minh City when the curators had a special gallery dedicated to the portraits of every war photographer who served in both sides of the conflict.

Dan K.

I have both Requiem and the Larry Burrows book. There is another book details the lives and photos of the North Vietnamese photographers and the hardships they had to go through to get their film back to Hanoi. It is a fascinating book. When I get home I will post the name of the book.

I think you're referring to "Another Vietnam" by Tim Page and Douglas Niven. I've never seen it, though.

Mike J.


Yes, it is called Another Vietnam. It is a beautiful book.

Larry Burrows' photographs are some of the most haunting war photographs ever. During my college days, I pored over the library books of his photographs over and over. To this day, I can't let those images go.

Vietnam Inc. by Griffiths is also a good and informative read.

you know is was shot by Larry the second you see it

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