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Friday, 05 December 2008


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This may or may not help. Talk to your local neighborhood Reference Librarian and ask him (gender non-specific) whether they can provide you with information regarding which index indexes articles by Pop Photo. I'm sure one, if not more, exists. Once you know that, you can probably find a local University Library that carries the index and you can then search to find the information you want.

If this proves difficult to implement for me, contact me and I will talk to an arts librarian here at the U. to get the information.

Regards, David


When the first ISO testcharts for digital camera's came out, the numbers one was supposed to be looking for was lines per image heigth. So square images get an unfair advantage, ther's is nothing you can do about it.

I at this time present my results as a percentage of the Nyquest frequency when I test lenses, so I sort of jump over the actual number of pixels.

Did you look at this glossary entry on resolution at DPReview:
http://www.dpreview.com/learn/?/Glossary/Digital_Imaging/Resolution_01.htm ?


The readers guide to periodical literature, the google of the dead tree era. The online version is here

WilsonWeb Journal Directory has an index of pop photo from 1982 to now , that should cover what you want.

BTW , if you have 100 alternating black and white stripes, how many lines do you have?

101 ?
100 ?
99 ?
49 ?

Dear Adam,

Yup, like I said, that's how we're reading it. Problem is not with understanding dpreview's methodology, it's with understanding Pop's old methodology.

Dear Hugh,

WWJD looks wonderful, but it won't let me access it without a subscription or institutional affiliation.

"Lines" comes from television metrology. Photography measured resolution in line pairs, TV did it in scan lines (or equivalent). So 100 black and white lines is 100 lines or 50 line pairs.

pax / Ctein

Regarding counting black and white stripes:

In classic optics, line pairs per millimeter is identical to lines per millimeter. That's because it takes two black lines to define one white line.

Therefore (I think) in your example, you have 50 line pairs or 50 lines.

I got into photography because I was bad at math...

I read your post carefully.

I got into photography because I was bad at math...


Many thanks for talking about the holiday book sale, and many thanks to the people who have been ordering the books.

Just wanted you to know that there was a glitch in PayPal, and even though the $15 includes free US shipping, some people were charged the additional $5 by PayPal. We've refunded these folks $5 and the glitch is fixed. International shipping is at a reduced rate of $7, which will be added to the $15 by PayPal.

We didn't expect so many international orders and we really appreciate them. We love it when the books travel. Hope the people who receive the books for the holiday are really happy with them.



Sounds like you should have stuck to film, like Stalin. -- Rich

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