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Tuesday, 02 December 2008


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Funny you should mention this. Earlier today I was looking at a picture gallery on an Australian news website (The Age) where they have 10 such shots of that "cosmic event", here :


When I looked up, the skies were less cheerful: http://flickr.com/photos/lensjoy/3078490291/

Still a very cool picture.

Mike J.

Marcin - that's the Cubist smiley, surely!

I was doing a shoot in the park and we were wrapping up. The we checked out the sky, so we set back up for a few more images. Here's one: http://homepage.mac.com/mrljb/20081130Firegrace/content/bin/images/large/img20081130_0180.jpg

Not the best ever, but I had about 30 seconds after I got home from work before the clouds covered everything up, and never had my D90 out in the dark before.


Not sure you still care about that event, but the Sacramento Bee's "The Frame" has a collection of large images on the topic:


This was what it looked like in Minneapolis.


Mike, I grabbed a quick handheld shot early in the evening near Sydney (Australia) of the "Smiley" Moon - displayed at http://www.noexpectations.com.au/images/smiley-moon-1

Cheers, --Kip

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