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Friday, 05 December 2008


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Thank you, Ctein!

Received my two dye transfer prints two weeks ago. They will make fabulous christmas gifts for an artist friend who also has worked a lot with the subject of plants, though in another medium. I wonder what his reaction will be.
I can imagine what a tiring print marathon you must be in.
Wishing you a lot of stamina!

Thank you sir for the beautiful prints! Mine arrived early this week in Toronto - no customs issues at all - not even a brokerage fee.


Thanks, in advance, for all your hard work on this. Happy Holidays!


Just to add my thanks to the others. The prints look wonderful! Many thanks for all your hard work!


My apologies for not pushing my prints off until after x-mas. I was planing on giving one as a gift but after seeing them there is just no way. They'll get these when I'm dead.

Very pleased.

Thank you,


Mine arrived here in Ireland. To someone who has never seen dye transfer prints and who has only printed pigment inkjet himself, I am now spoiled for life. No way I can get those deep, glowing greens ;-(. Beautiful work, Ctein, and thank you for keeping to your promises despite the unexpected workload. Best regards, Mike.

Print arrived. Fine work sir!

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