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Saturday, 15 November 2008


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I have no idea what this is about and not living in USA it sounds like some TV event that isn't relevant anyway...


Congratulations Peter! Really wonderful work.
I have shared the link to The Oxford Project with www.lightstalkers.org, the photojournalism site, as this kind of story-telling can only be done with photography. In this day and age of so much photoshop....so good to see work like yours.

Google The Oxford Project. It's fascinating and I could see how it could be exhausting. Great job, Peter!

Isn't relevant? Would I lead you astray?

You could try a service called "Google" (Google.com) which basically amounts to a simple dialogue box--you type in the term you're interested in, and Google finds potentially relevant web pages on the subject for you.

You could also use the search functions on TOP, which would reveal that I've written about The Oxford Project several times, most notably here:



Mike J.

Sorry for my hit and run post. No, Mike, you wouldn't lead me astray. I used the wrong word. I didn't mean the content wasn't relevant, just that since I can't watch TV in the USA on Sunday morning the TV show was for me irrelevant. I guess my rather flip post was because I never saw the earlier references to the project and so rather expected that a link would be given to provide context. I'd better go check it out then... oh, Google, what's that?

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