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Wednesday, 26 November 2008


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I think the proper name for his business was Petters Ponzi Worldwide. But I could be wrong.

I hope Suncountry airline survives this.

One wonders if the bankruptcy will lead to what's left of Polaroid Corp. coming up for sale again. A new owner might be interested in bringing back some of those discontinued emulsions that are so sadly missed. Hope springs eternal...

At least some of the collection is still on tour. Last week at the Morris Museum in Augusta, GA I saw an exhibition of William Wegman's "It's a Dog's Life" from the Polaroid Collection. The 20x24 Polaroids were really impressive.

With angry creditors and pit-bull lawyers on the case, the Polaroid photo collection is doomed. I suspect it will be broken up and sold off piecemeal at auction to pay off some of the debt.

US Polaroid did not need to develop INSTANT Photography
Let Japan manufactures replace the job of Polaroid.

Fujifilm had already sent their instant cameras into US camera.

Now Tomy Japan announced a digital instant camera Xiao TIP 521 / a 500pixes digital instant camera.

Last weekend I obtained this book:

Polaroid Book: Instant and Unique - The Best Images from the Polaroid Collection (Taschen's 25th Anniversary Special Editions) (Hardcover)
by Barbara Hitchcock (Author), Steve Crist (Editor)

It cost me a mere £8 from Waterstones book store in the UK . A heck of a bargain and very inspiring stuff. Recommended.

Simon, UK

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