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Saturday, 08 November 2008


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Love the portraits. Specially the last one. As a biker and as a photography aficionado. Went to Zimberoff's web, but the pictures are stamp sized... Thanks for the tip,anyway

I love motorcycles, and bikes as art is a phenomenon that I feel really attracted to. My only complaint (but it's a big one) is that the same people who usually mod their rides also insist on removing mufflers and therefore create this obnoxious noise pollution, for the only apparent reason of attracting attention to themselves (don't tell me they do it for safety, as the vast majority I see have no helmets). That, and they wake up my sleeping 2-year-old...

But I might still get that book... ;)

Thanks Mike, I will dream about Mike Brown's chopper tonight. I want one!

Fine portrait and fantastic motorcycles!

Sad to see that first picture of Indian Larry. I believe he died doing that very same stunt a few years ago, without a helmet. Makes me mad to see that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Larry

Another fine book of portraits [mostly] but bikes too shot mostly in the UK, Hells Angels MC by Steven Shaylor [Merrell] mostly shot on 5x4 and MF, really nice stuff.

For those interested have a look at the work of Jeff Cochran over at Sucker Punch Sally's. He builds customs, rides 'em and does some nice photowork of his company's and others custom rides. You can also find him at [www.speedkingphoto.com]


"...the first comprehensive collection of motorcycles explicitly created as contemporary art and, now, curated for exhibition."

Michael Lichter has been having his bike photographs published since about the mid to late seventies. He has also been having exhibitions for about the last 8 years. You can see his work here: http://www.lichterphoto.com/index.html

I suspect many people aren't familiar with the world of custom bikes, beyond the antics they see on American Chopper (and their bikes are not necessarily representative of the custom bike scene). If you are curious, the following three sets are from three Tokyo bike shows. They are on my bike orientated Flickr site and feature bikes by some of the people mentioned in the original post (and before anyone feels compelled to mention it, I know these aren't very good photos - it's just a snapshot site to document something I happen to like).



Can not wait to see it in Ocala,It dosent say anything on the Appleton Museum of Art website.

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