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Saturday, 08 November 2008


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I saw that episode of Antiques Roadshow a year or so ago. I was amazed - I had a lot of respect for Stoughton, after reading William Manchester's 'The Death of a President'. The photo he took of LBJ being sworn in is probably the most iconic photo of the 1960s, I imagine.

Looks like an Alpa 6c around his neck. Never a common camera this is the first time I've seen one in a photograph of the photographer.

The last camera I saw him toting around was a Contax G1.

There was a one-season TV show "The Cape", which ran syndicated in the mid-90s and shot entirely on location. Cecil was given a non-speaking part as a (duh!) photographer in one episode.

For trivia buffs, the stars included Adam Baldwin (Animal Mother in "Full Metal Jacket", and NOT one of "the brothers") and Bobbie Phillips, memorable in the "X-Files" episode about cockroaches as "Dr. Bambi Berenbaum".

I'd guess that Cecil might be in line for a 5D Mark II. in that last photo he's wearing a 35mm slr and has an 8mm movie camera in front of him. A multi-media guy!

Everything old becomes new again.

Looks like a Bolex H-16, a 16mm movie camera. I may be wrong.

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