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Tuesday, 25 November 2008


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Speaking of reviews... when are we going to see the final part of the Pentax K20 review?

I wonder, do the companies think his view will be improved by having to buy one himself?

Kind of like movies with no showing for critics; sure you get yourself a day or two without a review, but things are unlikely to improve from there.

Will you have a chance to mount any other Nikon lenses to the D700? I ask only because the 24-120 has quite a negative reputation, at least on DPreview. I never used it though, myself. If you can borrow it from someone, the 35/2D pairs very nicely with the D700.

"Speaking of L-L, I'm still patiently awaiting Michael's review of the Panasonic G1, the first Micro 4/3 camera. Meanwhile, Mark Goldstein's review is now online at photographyblog.com."

Adobe has released today ACR 5.2 which supports the G1 raw files and it seems that a Leica M adapter (Cameraquest?) could possibly be available for the G1. Think of the possibilities: Voigtlander and Leica single focal lens on a G1!

Mike, I agree with your initial assessment of the D700, but I was wondering if, after a week of using it, the D3 still felt like a radial saw around your neck. I found that its size seemed to wear off on me so that now I don't mind it at all. And that shutter click - it's addictive! When it goes off I get a feeling that I imagine a skin-head gun-lover must get when he racks one into the chamber... it sounds so nice...

My belief (I have no proof of this, of course) is that camera companies and their PR/ad agencies are reluctant to send equipment to photo websites because, unlike magazines, the websites receive no advertising dollars from the manufacturer. The camera companies can be reasonably confident that someone who depends on them for income won't be too critical of their equipment.

This assumption doesn't apply to someone like Michael Reichmann, who is affluent and doesn't depend on them for his income. Ironically, it also applies to our Mike Johnston, who doesn't have a single manufacturer-sponsored ad on his blog and whose impecunious circumstances are well documented.

Frankly, given the choice, I'd rather read a review from someone who had to part with his own hard-earned cash than someone who was given a free toy to play with for a week or two. At least you know that the guy who's paying isn't worried about hurting the manufacturer's feelings.

I've really grown to like the G1 over the course of a month or so. Like most cameras, it has some nice points and some warts, but for a parent with a kid that won't hold still, the face-detecting AF is absolutely fantastic.

I'll be very surprised if you wind up sending the D700 back. Using the camera is only half the fun. Wait until you start working with the files. They make you feel like you are a much better photographer than you are (no disrespect meant!).

I've been handed three medium format digital cameras to review this year and I write reviews mostly for Photo.net, Prophotoresource.com and Studio Photography Magazine. I'm totally independant and in no way swayed by any largess (not forthcoming!) from any of the manufacturers. My take is that knowing the rep or the distributor is the road map to getting test gear.

Saddest part of testing is sending it all back.


I was just in a camera shop looking at the D300 and D700. Extremely similar cameras in terms of size and handling. The D700 however has an 18mm eyepoint plus low magnification viewfinder which made it tough for me to see the entire frame with my glasses on. (my benchmark for hard to see full viewfinders is my Spotmatic F which I can't even see with my glasses off) It gave me pause as I was real close to buying the D700. Now I'm totally torn as to which body to choose.

Re: the 24-120 Nikkor has been updated, so maybe not so bad.? And a dream for some us would be the Zeiss 35.

I was pretty sure you'd like the D700. There's very little wrong with that camera ...


The 24-120 really is a crummy lens compared to the 24-70 that you were using with the D3. No comparison. I know because I made the mistake of buying one when I got my D700 (still have it, but plan to lose it). Bad move. So I ended up buying the 14-24 and 24-70 and couldn't be happier.

Probably a good idea to keep that in mind while testing the D700 if you can't get hold of a 24-70 for the exercise.

"I've been handed three medium format digital cameras to review this year..."

Well, that blows THAT theory out of the water! Tell you what, Kirk: Anytime you're too busy to review a camera, feel free to give me or Mike a call. I can vouch for Mike's integrity if he'll vouch for mine. FWIW, I shoot Canon. He shoots anything else.

When I decided to trade up/back to a D80, also handled both the D300 and the D700.

Heavy brutes, both! Had the heft of my old Mamiya C330. Hit somebody over the head and they'd be out cold.

My own gut feeling though is the D700 may well be the first horse out of the barn with the FX sensor, and that's a good thing.

Now if the price would drop to less than C$1000.00 the D700 or its siblings may well be the way to go for digital. I can then relegate the D80 to the shelf, or sell it
for peanuts.

What Michael Reichmann, and you, and all of us need to know is this:


(scroll down to see the pictures)

and even if I, (we???) don't like adapters, it's nice to see new ways of using the "right glass", no?

I just hope the financial crisis doesn't delay to much Olympus's M4/3 model.

Robert, your analogy of the D3 being like a radial saw hanging around the neck is very apt. Like the radial saw, the D3 is heavy duty gear, designed for getting the job done and surviving a lot of rough handling. If you need to saw wood only occasionally, it may not be the right tool.

Personally, I think my old Nikon FM body (and other similar SLRs from that time) was just the right weight and size for me. Even my Leica M6 seems a bit heavy sometimes, probably because of the chromed brass lens.

Putting a number to it 450 grams to 600 grams for the body feels about right for all day casual photography to my hands (and neck!). That is a pound to a pound and a third...

The D700 is basically a two pound camera, though it seems perfect in every other respect. The lighter Nikon D90 though, is there for the likes of me. Too bad it does not have the no-nonsense AF modules of the D300 and D700.

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