By David Emerick
I must applaud Mark on the development of his Aardenburg Imaging & Archives site! It has come a long way and continues to develop nicely. There is a load of information on the permanence of digital printing.
"Aardenburg Imaging & Archives was founded in 2007 by Mark McCormick-Goodhart. It is located in the historic Hyde House in Lee, Massachusetts. AaI&A collaborates with serious amateur and professional print makers, photographers, and artists who work with digital printing processes. We are carefully building an archive of digitally mastered photographs and fine art prints. Our goal is rigorously to document the late 20th and early 21st Century digital printing technologies used to make photographs and fine art prints. Aardenburg's collecting policy emphasizes the materials and processes rather than any specific genre of artists or subject matter. "
Hyde House in Lee, Massachusetts, in 1857, 65 years after it was built (Ambrotype).
Irrelevant to the main point of the post, but I was delighted to see the Hyde house featured on the website and apparently well cared-for. It was still in the Hyde family when I was in school and a classmate of one of them. We would visit Lee in wintertime, staying in the one small corner of the house that was heated.
Posted by: scott kirkpatrick | Thursday, 09 October 2008 at 01:46 AM
Hi Scott,
The Hyde House was surely saved from the wrecking ball by my brother-in-law, David Hubregsen, nearly thirty years ago. Unfortunately, it fell back into disrepair in the last ten decade, and with David's untimely death, my wife and I found ourselves to be its new caretakers. It's far too big to justify as a private family residence these days, so it serves dual purpose as our family residence and also home to Aardenburg Imaging & Archives. Members of the Hyde family still stop by, and fellow printmakers and photographers are always welcome here, too. Winter is a bear, and the house still very hard to heat, but I imagine I wouldn't get any sympathy from Mike over there in Wisconsin! Nevertheless, you might want to pick a different season to stop by and see us!
Posted by: Mark McCormick-Goodhart | Thursday, 09 October 2008 at 09:31 AM