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Wednesday, 24 September 2008


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Mike, I appreciate these forgotten camera posts, but couldn't you just post them here (as well)? Now I click on the new post in igoogle only to find I have to click on another link. It's not that I don't want to read it, but usually I'll just close the page and not go to the other website.

"Mike, I appreciate these forgotten camera posts, but couldn't you just post them here (as well)?"

Hi Jan,
I'm just worried about them dominating the page here. I already have a lot to publish, and am always fighting to publish less--two more posts every day would really overload things I'm afraid.

Mike J.

Why not put a permanent link on your masthead for photoborg?

I am monitoring your photob.org site on a separate feed so don't need alerts for photob.org postings here. For me (and you as well), posting them here is redundant. Maybe just a link to the other site on your 'Resources' box is good enough.

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