I'm wondering if readers in England, Scotland, and even Wales (perhaps even Ireland?) might chime in here with a bit of feedback. My friend Ailsa McWhinnie (former Chief Editor of Black & White Photography magazine) and I are considering a brief U.K. lecture tour, tentatively scheduled for the Fall of '09, and we're trying to get an early indication of whether there's sufficient interest out there to support such a thing. We're thinking of perhaps two evenings in London and perhaps four or five more between there and Edinburgh, and our early thinking is that we'd need at least 20 people in attendance at all six or seven lectures to make it all work. If it all comes together we'll be advertising it here and in B&WP.
It would likely be more dear than better entertainment, just because of the specialized nature of such a thing, but we'll do our best to keep the price reasonable. I'm happy to do it for the cost of transportation and lodging, and Ailsa is similarly casual about recompense, but we don't want to be out of pocket.
I'm thinking at this point about giving two lectures each evening, one about the Art of Photography and the other about cameras, and you could buy a ticket for one or the other, or both. Permission of the venues permitting, perhaps we could follow the lectures with a bit of wine and cheese and some more casual mingling. Quite frankly we're also open to ideas as to what people might enjoy. We'd hope to sell some tickets in advance (next Spring and Summer) at a discount.
In addition, I'd like us to do some portfolio reviews. Between us, Ailsa and I have lots of experience in picture editing, and have dealt for years with many kinds of art photographers and professionals, and we feel we could give people some meaningful advice and feedback about their work. These would probably happen during the daytime, and, because these would be individualized and more time consuming, an additional fee for it would be unavoidable.
How about it? Without having to commit, do you imagine you might have any interest in any of this?
Please don't leave comments here. If this is something you might like to see happen, please write and indicate your level of enthusiasm to Ailsa at "info at squarepictures dotnet."
Thanks! For now, I'll be hoping to meet some of you in person in 2009.
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