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Thursday, 10 July 2008


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A hiatus for the discombobulated.

Now why didn't I think of that?


But it is the season for recombobulatory hiatuses. Relax. Really, relax!

There's no shrink equal to a rising trout. Tight lines!

discombobulated, adj., to be in a state of confusion.

Mike, as your impersonal doctor (though not M.D.), I prescribe you a few days off, far from the internet, and far from any photographic material, both physical and subject matter. In other words, please confine yourself to an isolation chamber, take two aspirin, and call me in the morning.

We're big boys; I'm sure we can survive without our daily dose of TOP. At least for a week. Maybe 5 working days.

Take care, man. You deserve a rest! We'll all be here waiting for you when you get back.

All the best,


I'm grateful when you post, and patient when you don't. Enjoy your vacation.

Hello Mike, I hope you feel better soon. Hang in there, it'll pass.

Even though I'm banned from posting here, I still need to get my fix of TOP. :) Thought-provoking stuff always.

All the best!

Just relax and have fun. We'll be waiting for you.

Me too. Nine whole days.

What? You mean sitting at the computer seven days a week finally got to you?

The nerve.

Patiently waiting for your return.

BTW, thanks for your audio advice.

Take a favorite camera with you.

I've noticed that same trend across a lot of the "blogosphere" lately, myself included. Enjoy the fishing!

Oh noooo.... what to do? what to do?

I'll do anything as long as I don't have to go out and take pictures ;-(

(main reason I come back to read new posts, comments few times a day)


Take your time and enjoy your hiatus. I don't know how you keep this blog so interesting and still have a life. Things will remain in a state of discombobulation until you return and recombobulate them.

Jim Weekes

Welcome back, Mike.


rarely wrote. i hope you enjoy your time. i have many of these. ps, your website it a real pleasure for me, and i thank you. get well soon, tom.

Mental Health Days are obligatory;
the work required to attain them not...


In Vino Recombobulatas.

"Thanks be to God for the day of rest, when worldly things assume their actual size."
-- William Wilberforce

While you were away...

...Leica introduced M9.

throw back the fish when you're done, will ya? :)

Perfect timing Mike! I'm going snowboarding in NZ for two weeks on Tuesday and plan to be far from computers the whole time!

Take care. Maybe a little time with the upsidedown image of a view camera will undiscombobulate you??

"...Leica introduced M9."

...and Sigma introduced a DP2 and it works!

One of my other favorite bloggers wrote an article about not spending too much time on the internet. He was right, but I wonder how many readers were lost when people stopped spending time on the internet?

Stay healthy and enjoy your vacation Mike.

take as much time as you need or want; nothing is more important than your spirit and its nurture..........

Dear Mike,

I seem to be experiencing something like that myself. But, really, how could we beneficiaries of your spirit and wit possibly begrudge you a well-earned respite to refresh and nurture same?

Of course lack of T.O.P. may itself induce discombobulation in many, but I'm sure we'll recover once you do.

Take it easy.

robert e

Heck, take a week or two. You work hard in here. But..... sometimes feeling disoriented for too long can be a symptom of a physical problem. See a doc maybe? Good luck.
Catch a huge lunker.

Hell, Alec Soth went to Memphis how long ago and he never came back. Please tell me you aren't going to Memphis to get a jazz fix or something. Enjoy the phishing ;)

I'm a daily follower, love your insights and have a full understanding for a good break. They say after a bit of recreation people get even better :-))) I hope to be helping this site by clicking on its banners from time to time (and even buy stuff there. I love my upstraps, for instance)
Take your time!

Chin up Mike don't let things get you down, it's all a puff of smoke anyway,hope you feel better soon.

Good luck Mike - hope you feel better soon. You'll be missed.


Take as long as you want.... I for one understand the importance of a recharge. This blog is my absolute favorite read. Thanks, thanks, thanks.



We're not going to see you on the next episode of "Celebrity Rehab", are we? ;-)


If you need a break, you can always come visit me. (Don't worry, I'd leave you alone if you wanted). I have a few beachfront properties. You could stay at any one of them down here in sunny North Carolina. There is plenty to do, but if you wanted, you could just rest and look at the ocean. Anyway, you clearly have a lot of friends and I remember you have spoken of your family as well. What else is there? Relax a bit and all will be fine.


PS - There is WIFI at the beach, but I can disable it if you want.

"We're not going to see you on the next episode of "Celebrity Rehab", are we? ;-)"

Nope. I went through rehab in 1990 and once is plenty. Since then, don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs. (Except for two mugs of coffee every morning of which I'm inordinately fond, but that's it.)

Mike J.

P.S. And now you know why I'm a curmudgeon. :-)

Sounds tempting!

Mike J.

I know *exactly* how ya feel, Mike. Luckily, I'm off to see some coulees in Alberta tomorrow. And I'm takin' an old forgotten camera to see if i remember how to use it? Now, whose idea was that, do you think?

It's just that the Summer Lollygags have got hold of you. Happens to me too. Forces me to sit on the porch and doze and think about nothing. Enjoy your time off !!

So many years reading your writings contributed to build the good side of me.

Take care and enjoy your time!

This happened to me recently and a friend told me to grab my Pentax Spotmatic, 50 mm and a roll of tri x and go to a place I like and shoot for fun, then spend an evening in my long disused darkroom. What an uplifting revalation.

I put much value on your writings. Thanks for all the time you share.

Take care... relax...keep your perspective, for it is appreciated by me.

I'll be here when you get back. One thing I am doing today is making a small contribution to your site, something I've always planned to do, but never got around to! Hopefully I can show my appreciation more in the future.


Mike ... Stop peeking and really go fishing. Do what I would do: 1) Buy a new driver and go golfing 2) Buy a roll of Tri-X and go shoot some fun pic's (and share some with us).

And BTW ... thanks for giving me new ways to look at photography (like even the best-of-the-best take a lot of crappy photos).


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