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Thursday, 29 May 2008


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NY Times obit at:

These are two great samples you have here - will have to check out more about him. How you find and know to post about such gems is amazing...my summer is already full of must-reads and photographers works to view...

"How you find and know to post about such gems is amazing..."

Thanks, but not really. This one was courtesy of a tip from a reader, Greg Heins, who I thanked in the byline of the post. (I always try to thank people for tips if I can. The exceptions are when lots of people send me the same tip, which happens fairly often, or when I forget and can't find the original email, which is rare.)

Greg got the info from what I call the world's* greatest photography magazine, The New York Times.

Mike J.

*Okay, just America's. Not the world's.

I am from Austria and my name is David Gahr i google it and i found that wow now im the last david gahr (i think) ^^

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