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Thursday, 03 April 2008


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The photgraph made me think of Behind the Gare Saint-Lazare. ch

A few seconds googling found David Heiden:

It seems he published a book with Temple - called Dust to Dust.

You're correct he is an eye doctor but also done alot of international relief work and even questioned mass immunization in Africa.

He may also be the same one found on photo.net.

Google can be a wondrous if scary beast.


He is the "Dust to Dust" guy, but not the photo.net guy.

Mike J.

Mine arrived today, after a few comical delivery mishaps. I knew from the pictures I saw online following your first story on this that this was the kind of photography that I like best - the sort that generally allows your imagination to place you, the viewer, at the scene with very little effort. In that sense, the photographers respect not only their subjects but the viewer. I know from trying that this is such a difficult thing to achieve.

As you say, being able to look at them at this size is an unexpected treat. Wonderful book. Thanks for the tip.

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