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Friday, 04 April 2008


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Thank you, Michael!
Amazing! Underwater photography in B/W- how fascinating!

Given how difficult underwater photography must be, it amazes me that Mr Levin is able to transcend a purely documentary role (which, at various levels of skill and ostentation, accounts for most of nature photography today) and create these images of epiphanic, surreal beauty.

For some reason, I'm reminded strongly of William Blake's paintings.

The first picture it reminded me of Trent Parke's 7th Wave: http://www.magnumphotos.com/Archive/C.aspx?VP=Mod_ViewBox.ViewBoxZoom_VPage&VBID=2K1HZO6OX9TVQ&IT=ImageZoom01&PN=9&STM=T&DTTM=Image&SP=Album&IID=29YL534PU4P8&SAKL=T&SGBT=T&DT=Image

I went snorkeling around Isola del Giglio off the Tuscan coast last year after not doing it since I was a kid. It's a beautiful, alien world down there, and these black and white pictures capture the mystical relationship of man and nature very well indeed. Bravo!

Just at first glance I thought i was looking at the work of Narelle Autio. If you want to know more about one of Oz's finest photographers some of her work can be seen at:-


Very beautiful.

I'm surprised. The "Random" choices are usually so very earthbound. Thanks.

(I have ordered the Liquid Mirror book through your link.)


These reminded me of the water work done by Trente Parke and his partner Narelle Autio, underwater black and white, also beautiful.

Trent Parke and his partner, Narelle Autio, produced a series of underwater B+W work which they titled 'The Seventh Wave' - this is on the Magnum in Motion site (http://www.magnumphotos.com/Archive/c.aspx?VP=XSpecific_MAG.StoryDetail_VPage&pid=2K7O3R15WKIQ) - apologies for the long url.

Narelle's work can be seen here: http://www.stillsgallery.com.au/artists/autio/index.php?obj_id=series_05&nav=5

I understand that Parke is the only Australian photographer to be represented by Magnum, and his other - land based - work is well worth checking out.

The Online Photographer is a great site, Mike - thanks!


Yes, the Parke/Autio work is superficially similar, but Wayne Levin's work (which I had never seen before, thanks Mike!) is of a different order of grace, mystery and sophistication. Wonderfully poetic work -- reminds me why I love photography.

these examples of Mr. Levin's work are so beautiful and the black and white so surprising i immediately clicked on the Amazon link for "Through a Liquid Mirror". Good stuff. By the way, Amazon classifies the reading level as ages 4 to 8. The text must explore some really deep waters, eh? ;);)

Marvelous! Thanks for bringing this artist to my attention. I really enjoyed going through his site.

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